Monday, December 12, 2011

Order and disorder birth meaning and purpose.

I believe it's not so much about having a purpose in life when we put that into the context of " we have a purpose here on earth." I understand today there is an order of things like the NATURAL order of things. There are also laws like the laws of nature, of physics. Within the order of things there is disorder.

Disorder is to order what order is to disorder - there's a cycle as my friend Collin would say. One results from the other and so on. Out of disorder ( or chaos as we've heard tell ) comes order. From order there is disorder. The variables seem to be endless at times when we think deeply of it all!

I'm more interested at a starting point. I'm more focused on meaning as in " the search for the meaning of life." And still we encounter the endless variables of 
" what is the meaning of life because we have our opinions and our experiences."

I believe when we discover the meaning of life, as we understand it today that is, that is when the purpose of life begins to reveal herself. We birth it and a purpose is born!

This is the formula as I see it then, the meaning of life may be to discover our purpose in life! And my meaning may not be the same as yours, AND my purpose may not be the same as yours too. The point I think is to think about it and paradoxically at the end of the day we encounter each other searching for the same thing. And when we meet we discover that " laws " that hold us together, that keep order in the order of things apply to us all AND then we move forward with a common goal.

papajohn ~ shaman ~

Friday, December 9, 2011

Why our prayers are being answered.

What is a prayer anyway? Before we glide through the " commonly accepted " landscape of petitions to God let's take a moment to reflect on a valued quote I  read once which is this; " even when I'm not praying my soul is on its knees " .

When I received the idea for this blog thougths navigated my mind about what is
a prayer. Examples reflecting my experiences about what is a prayer are thus; wishes, dreams, strong ( positive ) desires, yearning for something, visions, wants, needs so on and so forth.

What I plan to reveal here today will be a depart from the typical religious academic definition or explanation of a prayer. I'm going to argue against the
" rigid " warnings heard these days that instruct people to follow a specific method, " lest the course we embark upon finds its origin in self-centeredness, from self-desire or from satan ".

Before I continue here's my background concerning this issue and others I write about. My upbringing was very tumultuous, I have recovered from it. My adult years were often chaotic, I've found contentment. I've experienced the U.S. Army and United States Marine Corps. I worked construction for years and I was overly athletic much of the time. I took a position as a Sunday School teacher and Lay Minister with the Salvation Army as well as performing a Nursing Home
" visiting " ministry for 2 years. I'm self taught in Quantum Mechanics and Physics and have studied many cultures, ways, paths and religions. I'm a member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners as well as a 12 step group.

Continuing then. I truly believe it is OUR obligation as leaders and mentors to properly instruct those folks that desire to better their lives by following spiritual principles. I take this responsibility seriously and have had differences with people who felt at times that I lacked a sense of humor by the way I evaluated conversations involving God or a Higher Power. Clearly, you don't get to be in my position ( or yours ) by joking about these matters when it matters.

If what I write bothers you because I'm departing from the doctrines you adhere to I won't apologise. There's plenty of judgement to go around and besides who is really able to say with complete candor that MY experiences are wrong?

I don't often pray using the " petition method " which is more commonly understood these days by mainstream religious folks and paths. My system evolved over the years from the experience of others and my own. Our experiences lead many to agree that there's something to this open minded practice.

When WE get together and talk about what's been going on since the last time we met the discussion turns into lengthy carefully considered talk generally about our intentions recently. We analyse the good and the bad plus we critique the outcome or the consequences. Usually someone has an ongoing perplexity and WE agree that these discussions more often than not prepare the way for a positive outcome instead of the usual finding of an answer immediately. What I mean is we are laying the groundwork.

WE also understand a few other things which some of you may be thinking about. First WE realise that more often than not the answers we seek are not really our own. Yes we perpetuate the fact that there is " something " powerful behind all of this - the universe however we also understand as well that WE are involved in the process. Yes, we agree we're not " a power " so to speak but more like conductors in the sense that we are being used to transmit love and light.  So God or a Higher Power does His ( or Her ) thing and we do ours. An example to get my point across is for instance people daily exercise spiritually using prayer, meditation and self-examination. WE do that. AND when we do that we see results. Our behavior may bear fruit because of a particular course WE took or the results of our actions show little traces of our spiritual DNA or none and unquestionably that of Gods'. A friend mentioned that we see Gods' fingerprints.

Concerning what God or a Higher Power does for us, I feel any one of you can answer that question with enthusiasm. The examples are numerable and hopeful.

Counting our blessings is a way that not only provides encouragement to continue but the blessings themselves are proof that under certain conditions WE agree that someone or something more divine than us has been at work! Also one might argue that the answered " prayer " of another has effects on far beyond our imagination not to mention far reaching effects on other people and the world at large. You see this mysterious topic of the result of prayer has many facets and the blessings or the results received from that practice are real and sometime mind boggling. WE know there is cause and effect because we examine the consequences of the original intent, petition, wishes, dreams, strong ( positive ) desires, yearning for something, visions, wants, needs so on and so forth.

I don't instruct my friends as to HOW they should pray or what they should pray for. The truth is when WE are spiritually balanced it is usual that what we want or need isn't petty. Of course we'll make the mistake of asking for something which we aren't able to handle or something we receive is more than we can handle but I argue that these experiences are OUR teachers and I'd rather make a mistake and learn from it than be a timid soul wandering through life following the masses who are wandering through life!

Think about this statement;

" when you try to conform to a certain doctrine ( not all doctrines are religious ) that makes narrow your choices, the effort to keep in line is tiring and gruesome AND usually leads the person attempting to ' stay in line ' with a bitter taste in their mouth not to mention a bitter look on their face! "

Who wants to go through life that way continually missing chances to grow, expand and find real meaning?

I don't deny "  eternity " or " the next life " is important, it is if you believe there's more than our current existence however WE see more emphasis put on that ( what's after this life ) and WE ignore the actual present before us! Plus many in our time do purposely ignore their neighbor just because he or she doesn't surrender to a certain belief.

Whether it's erasing bad karma from a past life or preparing for the next life what better way than to be kind and helpful to those who find their way to our doorstep? Our doorstep is the world around us near and far AND the people, places and things thereof! Our doorstep is the area around our being at any given day or time. Our doorstep is the ability and the capability we have to be of service to others. Our doorstep is the next step we take or the step we are about to take! Don't be fooled.

Often it's easier to explain what a thing IS NOT rather than what IT IS. Either way we should be truthful and sober when speaking. And when I say sober I mean serious, sensible and calm by the definition.

Today some us, most of us probably, wondered " what is going to happen" . We were sorting through some tough decisions or making plans, it doesn't matter but the truth is whether it's about decisions or plans it's about prayer. And I pray that we will create with our good intentions a place to live that is comperable to that place we call heaven.

papajohn ~shaman ~

Monday, December 5, 2011

Confess or Distress? A formula for peace of mind.

I want to talk about a formula for peace of mind. And not just peace of mind but a formula for a healthy soul and a vibrant beating heart.

I would very much like to discuss the matter of confessing. I'm not talking about going into a booth, stating the facts as they appear to be and leaving with some confidence that the penance your about to recite will erase the motivation to fall into temptation again, to miss the mark in the future, to sin somewhere down the road all of which disturbs the order of things.

I mean a solid one to one, eye to eye honest appraisal with someone whose counsel you trust and the type of person who does not indict you but is polite and compassionate.

The longer the conversation, the more likely there will be a verdict, maybe several and once that judgement is made - the assessment of the conversation, an opinion will be rendered by the listener but you must walk away feeling acquitted and not sentenced!

Acquitted, not sentenced because chances are that by the time you sit down with your confidant you already feel guilty AND no-one needs to pronounce this.

Failure to confess our errors, our misfortunes or our mistakes often leads to more self-harm and and injury to others. And when I say
" harm " I use the word with much discretion,good judgement.

Failure to confess ensures the continued walk on a dangerous path of subconcious frustration and acting out often times without thought of the consequences because when we're knee deep in the thick of the misguided and disproportioned activity we cannot and will not think sensibly or accurately. 

These mental emotional " black outs " can easily be critiqued with malice and unwarranted criticism by those around us especially if intoxicants were added to the mix. What may not make sense to another person makes sense to you and me provided we have had the same misfortune and infamy.

We know the continued shame and disgrace and as a matter of fact this shame and disgrace often extends the confusing behavior OR adds to it. The unconcious abyss seems never ending and the more we fall the more we fall.

I cannot tell you however to often of the rewards of confessing to a trustworthy person. And not only is trustworthiness paramount but as I mentioned earlier the feedback needs to be constructive, not destructive. Positive not negative. Uplifitng not belittling.

We embark on each days journey seeking the approval of others - it's a birthright. And that approval may come from an unsuspected social tyrant who seeks out the weak and the sensitive. He or she will manipulate another individual and cause great injury, maybe eternal injury but now it's too late for some. Some never return to us as they left.

A fracture occurs in the embodiment of all that is good in these people, people whose life experiences up to this point have been intoxicating and they surrender to the inevitable mental and emotional anguish if only we could be released from this perverted form of approval.

We succumb to the distress and to whom could we explain this misery especially if the person be someone who daily gives us positive approval? How would we tell them, how would we begin to tell them?

And so we look for a " closed mouth " friend ( if I may repeat a line from the A.A. literature ) but I tell you this person must be more than closed mouthed! May I suggest someone with a closed mouth and an open mind then.

Not most of us experience the same path along the way and so the advice we recieve from someone NOT familiar with our deficiencies must be compellingly postive and of an unbiased nature. Lives hang in the balance in some cases!

And so I say to you, the one who is weighed down by the unsweeming endless parade of mistakes to please muster some much needed courage and seek out an individual with whom you can share your ex-periences but also to find a person whose reputation is of the caliber that he or she will undoubtedly help carry your burden.

papajohn ~ shaman ~

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

~ surrender or be sacrificed ~

- no one knows better than YOU, the battles you face, the mountains you must climb and the enemy at the gates. And time after time you have led a revolt against the egotistic bastions, sometimes with victory and other times with the terrible agony of submission and the excruciating feeling of loss. " I just can't beat this " you exclaim!

The activities of life aren't always agreeable to the court of consciousness and WE object and WE abstain.

Perhaps there is a better course of action to approach, execute or defend from these daily assaults upon the mind, heart and soul. It relys my friend to call upon a SOURCE of strength and the undeniable capability of that SOURCE in these cases where the ego cannot admit it is fighting against ITSELF! The ego has an ego.

It would be pleasurable if when we are overcome by the negative natures of our beings we could smite them immediately without predjudice but more often than not we cannot. Internal forces and external forces are working hard and much to your surprize it's their natural function to do so in many cases.

The dilemma, in the mind is, what seems natural is unnatural and what seems unnatural is natural! Man's mind and nature are at odds.

I have made you aware in previous blogs that I no longer subscribe to any television programming - " kill your tv " I say! My opinion and objection to the daily bombardment of carefully orchestrated mind numbing and useless influence on tv still stands AND is in agreement with many world spiritual leaders, yogi's, priests, guru's  and shamans. What may have been intended as a useful tool to educate the masses ( tv ) has morphed into a dangerous weapon of mass destruction of the mind.

Besides, can you really AFFORD the cable/direct tv bill you are paying when you may only watch ONE channel at a time? I've discovered much better ways to spend that $100.00 to $200.00 monthly account.

TV is the ultimate conspiracy! Enough about that.

What I'm attempting to get across is, life is tough enough at times and we don't need unnecessary outside influence to dirty up the already seemingly murky waters of daily living. AND once you unsubscribe to the illusion that tv is " entertainment " you'll notice as some of US already do that outside those murky waters are meadows and fields and grass and animals and insects and sunlight and blue sky and beautiful white clouds and people who yearn to be connected with! It's not easy to give up an addiction.

The ego has an ego and that is why you'll disagree with me ( in your mind ) about what I am presenting here. Some of you may embark upon a concious discussion weighing the facts and your options. Others will outright consciously object to any change to the pattern you have comfortably settled into wether it's good for you or not.

Surrender or be sacraficed. AND I'm not talking about, when I use the word sacrafice some type of biblical ceremony involving a firepit where upon God smotes you because of your transgressions.

You see, too many times certain words bring to mind images of things we were taught to believe as youngsters by people who at the time felt they were doing us good. These images are far from the truth and not realisitc. In fact, if you've been a TRUE OBSERVER as some of us are you'll notice that life itself is a series of trans-gressions and how we act or react is most important.

What IT is that you sacrafice is your propensity to contribute to your family, your friends, your town and the world at large. What IT is that you are sacraficing is your talents and your gifts that make YOUR world and THE world a better place to live. What IT is that you are sacraficing is YOUR TIME ON EARTH - " how are you spending your time here on earth?"

Your ego has an ego and its just been challenged, what are you going to do, surrender or be sacraficed?

A small group of US attempt on a daily basis to make every minute count. It's not a hard job and it's not boring. What IT is is NOT easy but we can report it gets easier. WE realized the dilemma we were in by observing our own behavior and the behavior of others.

I claim this phrase as my own " when you think outside the box you see the box you were in. When you see the box you were in you begin to not only think outside the box but you begin to live outside the box."

I'm reminded of a saying from the 70's, in fact I had a patch of it sewn onto my jeans " what you see is what you get " . At the time I was referring to myself. lol

From a shaman's point of view however, today and after much intense soul searching and soul surgery I can say that " what you see isn't always what you get."

If we're GETTING bad vibes, constant negative views and what seems to be unsolvable problems FROM " whatever "  source it comes from on a daily basis THEN that is how we begin to function;
bad, negative and problematic!

OUR view of the world around us at times isn't accurate without outside influence AND if you ADD fear to the mix our chance at becoming useful to anyone or anything EVEN to ourselves is limited or non-exhistent and the time WE'RE spending isn't I dare say honorable at all and into eternity we go accounting ourselves as having accomplished WHAT?

The ego won't let you surrender and therein lies the sacrafice WE make. We sacrafice ourselves at the altar of the ego somewhere deep inside our mind behind that crevice of reality and the valley of suspicion!

There is a SOURCE which I mentioned earlier that many around the world have tapped into and have come to rely on on a daily basis for continued healthy thinking and attitudes. The healthy thinking and healthy attitudes lead US to much greater things, things which seemed impossible and out of OUR grasp, things that seemed to come only to certain privileged people.

And speaking of privilege, when you come to the realization that IT is a privilege to be here on this earth right now in this day and time and you attach yourself to the attitude that IT is a privilege, our right, our birthright in fact to make use of the countless opportunities we face every day then and only then will you begin to see the world through different lenses. And the VIEW you'll admit is certainly beautiful.

May whatever SOURCE you choose help you, bless you and keep you.

papajohn ~ shaman ~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


speak up, quiet down

~ instead of asking a person to " speak up " ask the crowd ( don't yell ) to quiet down and listen ~


~ the human race is not about competition ~

will you

‎~ the day will come when we're going to be faced with a situation that requires action. On that day, will you be brave or will you be wise? ~


~ folks follow Jesus, Buddha, Sufi whatever & say " this is the way " and in a way they're right. But to be so rigid in a way is not good. A " WAY " should be a door which you enter thru to a garden, a city, a universe, a life that YOU imagined. The principles of each WAY should be guides ~


~ I ~

~I don't deal in riddles, I deal in remedies~

your approach

~ approach people honestly and calmly. Do not put on that you are
confused when you're not. If you have a question to ask, weigh it and
choose the best words. If your intentions are not noble YOU will be
found out, this is OUR experience. Do you act stupid but you're not? If
the answer is yes stop it. Add value to the world with value ~


~ Change in my life began by NOT being affected by unwanted influence. One of the first things I did was to NOT listen to people who said, for example something like this; " why are you going to wash your car, it's supposed to rain tomorrow? " I want you to think about this, how often do you stop what you're doing or change plans because of a remark made to you? Rain tomorrow has nothing to do with the fact I want to clean the dirt and grime off my car ~

what kind of life

what kind of life did you build? What kind of life are you building, yours or someone elses? Are your priorities for real or an extension of someone else? Are you truelly happy with the way things are going in your life? What kind of life did you build? Are you you or someone else?

don't be selfish -

~ don't be selfish, don't be in denial. You can pray all you can for yourself and your family however if the world is in turmoil and the world boat is sinking what will your prayers for YOU have accomplished AND when and where will you enjoy the results? ~


thoughts from the Peak Experience

~ it's true that it hurts to take a good look at ourselves. It's also true that it will hurt,
even more if we don't ~

a thought from papa

~ it has more to do with what kind of person you are than the prayers you pray ~


-  when you show someone something special you just bought or received and they say " oh, now all you need is this OR now you should get that " do you understand they NEVER saw what you just showed them? They skipped over it because they have NO genuine interest in you or they are jealous. 

be careful what you wish for

~ be careful what you wish for. Unless you are absolutely certain of the difference between a dream and a hallucination be careful what you wish for~ papajohn

~ you leave me no choice ~

~ has someone said to you, " you leave me no choice? " Well we all have choices to make, can make a choice and we have a choice NOT to make certain choices. If someone says " you leave me no choice" what they are really saying is " I can't come up with an excuse for what I'm about to do " ~





~ fear this ~

About this fear thing, the issue of retreating into ourselves because something happened AND there's an inner trembling something else will happen. The " mind " tv goes on, episode after episode. Turn it off!

It is unlikely that what is likely to happen will happen. Ever.


Monday, November 21, 2011

~ what's the matter ~

We experience these things, the miracles and recognize them from our prayers, our yearnings or our wishes. We're much more connected to the " unseen " than we know or realize and we're happy.
We experience these things, the losses and don't immediatly have a response, some incidents are a shock, some semi-predictable. We get confused, angry and inquisative;   " someone, somewhere knows something! "   We stare.
Reality is a mystery ultimately. You might say we have a role in our day to day reality and that's a fact. The consequences of OUR actions from not only this day but from the days, weeks and months prior are still effective and do bear fruit. It's a controllable method for the most part I mean we could make a decision to do something or go somewhere and have a goal in mind such as eating at a diner, go shop at the mall or just meet our friends at a park. Predictable activity almost with certainty. There are variables however that YOU can think of pertaining to what I've just suggested but they wouldn't be that far off the radar. If someone is going to participate in these actions they too will share a similar view or opinion about what will take place along the way or THE outcome. Again as I said there are variables.
I'm reading a book again called The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson. My studies over the years did and still do include Jesus' philosophy, methods, devotion and ideas. I mention this because it ( the material in the book ) has me thinking about " enlarging my territory and receiving requested abundance after prayer " in the past, in some cases a couple of decades ago. Did my thinking and views change that much?
My friend Collin and I discuss how our Grandmothers were significant in giving us hope during what seemed desperate times as children. We discuss how on occassions when perhaps it was supposed to rain for instance and the sun unexpectedly appeared for the day, we received a typical note of assurance from the Matriarch's that God did that just for you!
AND we believed that, even more than believing that we felt it AND we knew this was a special occasion like so many others. I now call them
" remarkable occurences " and these phenomena are tethered to coincident. AND we relate ourselves to " child like " faith.
I've come to surrender to the truth that much of our reality isn't like "physically"  OUT THERE, happening. From that process of surrender I've actually found release from the prison of insidious accusations and assumptions.
Through my surrender I may " detain " myself briefly ( pause, meditate and examinate ) then maybe quickly maybe not so quick I come to a sense of  what is really going on and the fact of the MATTER is a lot of what I presume is TRUTHFULLY happening or unfolding all around me isn't TRUTHFUL at all. AND speaking of " matter " that is usually where the culprit of assumption, insidious self-accusations and foregone conclusions are hatched - in the brain, matter!
So, decisions I make DO result in SOMETHING physically happening and with variables and being aware that when something is happening something else is also happening at the same time. Then we include the matter of MATTER influx and what seemed to be a simple procedure of explaining how things happen, what is reality, what's going on - a course of events becomes slightly askew and maybe even complex and frustrating. It matters though that it doesn't matter all the time.
Let's not forget the actions of others affecting the action of others.
AND then there's GOD if one chooses to believe in a deity. What does He or She allow? What does He or She deflect? What is He or She thinking? How " little " or how " big " does God intervene? Does God leave a calling card? Or do we see, upon close scrutiny God's FINGERPRINTS at the scene?
We are very capable beings that may orchestrate events that are explainable and possible.
Then to others our description of events are " fuzzy " and the details sketchy but to us, who for whatever divine reason or previous social and hopeful mentoring we have no doubt that NO explaination could explain the unexplainable.
We mean this for times when we receive unexpectedly and ALSO for those unexpected, maybe predictable times of loss, both of which are opportunities.
What's the matter?
If WE are able to disconnect emotions and feelings from that question " what's the matter ? " when we're jolted either way ( positively or negatively ) we WILL sieze more often than not opportunities to find within OURSELVES the answers that we seek.

papajohn 11/21/2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

we never said goodbye

~ Dedicated to those who have had to bury a loved one unexpectedly ~

It's a paradox. I say goodbye to you but you don't hear, you're not that near. I can't say goodbye to you because you're gone, and along with OUR song. When we left each other in the past it wasn't a breach. We extended our reach.

It's a dilemma. I didn't expect to NOT have you, nor do I think did you. I didn't conceive the day without YOUR sun but that day has come. A bell has rung. When it rained upon us in the past we knew it wouldn't last. Minutes flew by fast.

It can be brutal. I have NO regrets, just goals that were never met and OUR dreams we didn't get to spend. My whole life was to provide and to be your guide AND I NEVER dreamt you'd die. We laughed about growing old and we were bold and we blinked at the unforetold.

It is sobering when I think of you, it's not the way I used to.

papajohn  ~ 11-11-11 ~

I miss you Crystal, love Daddy.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

You say you're bitter at someone

You say you're bitter at someone and you are but the real reason isn't what you're making it out to be.

Someone decided to tell you something about a person you loved because they were jealous and hard hearted. Some folks can't stand seeing other folks get  along with someone they haven't seen in a long time OR never met before. So, they make up a story - a big lie.

Because no one on this earth is without sin and because some sin more often than others, it's easy to be tricked into hating a person with an absurd story, but people believe these things, they fall for it.

Some folks never grow up AND some folks never OWN UP to what THEY'VE done in their lives so out of guilt and shame they point the finger at someone else hoping you'll never find out what THEY did - the terrible things that they did because you love them as well. So a plan is hatched and the smoke screen is set in place.

Truthfully, you're not bitter by what you were told because you KNOW this person you haven't seen in a long time or have just met for the first time a while ago AND have been acquianted on a regular basis. In your heart of hearts you can see, for yourself, what the deal is. Do you know why you're bitter?

You're bitter because deep down you don't believe this story of betrayal AND you wish you were never told this story. You wish you'd never been told this far fetched lie and now you're bitter about it but your loyalties are elsewhere and so you turn your back and walk away even after you asked to have things explained by the accused. You turn your back on the person who TRUELLY loves you. This is a tragedy of life.

Now, years later and because you cannot control your OWN BEHAVIOR and people are talking about YOU, well, you have to continue the tradition of masking the guilt, shame and remorse by putting the focus elsewhere - it's what you learned, it's what you were taught AND it's WRONG!

But because people aren't stupid and most folks don't value the nonsensical manner of treatment you accord others THEY see through you! And I'm sorry to have to tell you that the little circle of friends you do have who do the same thing, well, that's about ALL you got and that's even more sad. Worst of all is if you don't change YOUR ways you pass these less than humane traits onto YOUR children. BUT if you do change then you'll HAVE to face the TRUTH, admit the TRUTH, won't you?

AND if YOU have done something so terrible AND it's true then you did it then YOU will have a lot of explaining to do, won't you?

If a person turned you against another person and somewhere deep down you feel there's something just not right but you won't admit it, I feel sorry for you.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

To be HAPPY is to be at a place and time when no matter what is going on around me I can truly say, I am content.

To be HAPPY is to be at a place and time when no matter what is going on around me I can truly say, I am content.

When I am content I am in that place where I agree with every position and have no difference of opinion to add. I may disagree however I understand that by disagreeing that in no way means that my position is correct and yours isn't.

When I agree with the differences I am in that place where everyones' opinion matters and I will not create an atmosphere of right and wrong with debate or arguement, out loud that is.

When I don't debate or argue I am in a place of nuetrality and clear thinking. With a non-judgemental dispostion I am able to sort out what is important and meaningful and what is folly.

When I sort out what is meaningful and what is folly I can strengthen my position about those principles that have a positive affect on myself and others.

When I conclude what has a positive affect on myself and others I am in a position to move forward more accurately and with more focus. I am not self-centered but " other " conscious.

When I am not self-centered and " other " conscious I do more than just the RIGHT thing. I do the BEST thing , the LEGAL thing  and the LOVING thing.

When I do the best thing, the legal thing and the loving thing my conscious is at rest.

When my conscious is at rest I am in a place where useless arguements have no life and unreasonable conversation is dead.

To be HAPPY is to be at a place and time when no matter what is going on around me I can truly say, I am content.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Burning bridges, now that I look at it is pretty easy and I think anybody can burn bridges.

It's been a while since a movie got me to cry. The last 15 minutes of
" Bridge to Terabithia " hit my right in the ol' soft spot!

I get mystified when movie scripts are magical and mystical and Bridge to Terabithia is one such movie- it's like a book really that you get to watch.

This was one of those dvd's I just had a feeling about and found it cheap on Amazon. I think in total it cost like $5 with the shipping AND now after watching it I conclude you can't put a price on it especially  $5. It's priceless.

I was taken back to about age 11 with the swinging on the rope across a small creek scene appeared. WOW, those were the days and I've had lots of events recently happening that have propelled my memory to days past of innocence, dreams and plain old magic! Being a kid IS so much fun.

I won't tell you much more about the movie Bridge to Terabithia except that the LIFE messages ( for all of us no matter what age )  are impacting, riveting and moving.

I've talked to my friends about when they were teaching their kids to ride a bike, so far we're in agreement about a few things. We teach them to get on the bicycle, we talk them through the peddling method, to get balance and to go!

It's only after the first crash ( or two ) that we think ( or remember ) to teach them how to stop, hit the brakes!

I want to say this to you whoever you are, we talk about burning bridges behind us as we go through this maze of life. We think of it in terms that we can't ever go back and this may or may not be true.

What with all the talk about " burning " bridges, why don't we discuss " building " bridges more often?

I want to finish my life as a " builder " and not just of bridges. I don't ever want to lose, like I did for so many years, the innocence of youthful thinking and feeling. I want to dream everyday and fulfill those dreams and I want to encourage others to dream and follow their dreams.

Burning bridges, now that I look at it is pretty easy and I think anybody can burn bridges.

But to build bridges? AND to maintain the bridges already in place? Ain't no job for a slacker that's for sure.

Keeping a bridge in place requires care and concern. Let's keep it fun.

Bridge to Terabithia Wallpapers

Saturday, August 6, 2011

God won't give me more than I can handle is a "problem" not a solution.

God won't give me more than I can handle is a "problem" not a solution.

You'll forgive me if the impression you get is that I'm a " joy killer " because I am not. I am about gnosis, truth and expressing from my experiences misunderstandings, misconceptions and plain old lies. We now know the world isn't flat for instance based on images from space IF we believe these images to be real. As of this day I have no reason to doubt their validity!

I come across more Christian references than the other religions so you must understand that I'm not biased with my investigations. We also live in a country born of Christian principles.

What struck me as odd today was the often quoted phrase " God doesn't give us more than we can handle." Is this a valid statement? I've grown beyond accepting every statement that sounds " good " because when the test comes, the acid test as it were these sayings either bear themselves out to be true and powerful and helpful or it is revealed that all that glitters is not gold. Beware of statements that sound " glittery " then, having a certain  " shine " at the moment.

Before I ever considered commenting this,  I held several beliefs about my journey and yours, my destination and yours. Where we came from and how we came from there started sometime ago with our ancestor's and what they passed on to each generation. Other factors include mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and financial circumstances.

Then at a certain point in our lives we begin to chart our own course- whether it is straight or crooked it is our course. This course has been affected by what we experienced so far and will be affected by experiences to come. What we believe to be true today may be exposed tomorrow as not truth. Things change, information makes us aware and more aware and we should of course be learning from our experiences.

And then there's the crossing of paths with our fellow travellers who are journeying prepared or unprepared as we. And the weather!

So what then may I ask does God have to do with circumstances in our daily lives that have more to do with our decisions and the decisions of others and much less His " choice " to send misfortune our way? And what kind of Supreme being thinks " Hm, let me pick on John today and see if he can handle it, I've got nothing better to do and besides he's had it easy lately." I would hope that no Father or Mother would treat a child with disregard.

The other problem arises that since God doesn't give us more than we can handle, when something
" more than we can handle " does come our way - what are we thinking?

The first thing we'll think is if we've repetitiously processed  the " no more than we can handle" philosophy,  subconsciously we will believe that there is nothing for us to do really. After all, God has everything under control?  If God doesn't give you more than you can handle then how do you handle " it " may I ask realistic like?

Most folks I know who are under pressure from one side or the other will say " it's going to be o.k. God doesn't give me more than I can handle." I am boggled by the fact that my friends and acquaintances are not even considering what are the options they have at their disposal to solve this.

They do not think that perhaps they need to correct something they did or said. The focus will be more on " God and handling " than on the cause or nature of the error that will, if they are honest about it point to a wrongdoing or mistake on their part!. I'm not wrong. They will not look into themselves for the answer that will suffice for the current condition. Why? Because God will handle it. God will handle what He sent me that He knew I couldn't handle. Wouldn't you consider that messing with your mind?

Let me address this issue now, remember the time or times you were under the gun, in trouble, beyond your means and IT DIDN'T work out? What happened then? d

Did God decide to give you more than you could handle? Did God decide to turn His back on you? Did God prefer to see you suffer? You can't answer that question realistically since you believe God doesn't give you more than you can handle. The earth is round my friend, not flat. And not everything that comes OUR way is from God my brothers and sisters! In  fact most if not all things that come our way have nothing to do with God to see if we'll handle it or not. And furthermore, if WE could handle " it " all then we wouldn't need God, would we?

I believe this, if anything to be true; God has given us a mind and the ability to think rationally. With it ( the mind ) we can at times decide what to do or what not to do in certain situations. We also have friends and relatives and confidants. We've been instructed most of our lives about how to solve problems - be it 2+2 or why is my car sputtering? We have the ability to consider, process, choose, accept or reject. We are problem solvers. 

God won't give me more than I can handle is a " problem " not a solution. papajohn

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's about time!

I posted something similar to this recently and feel compelled to expound the virtue of it.

" we can't always be available, but we sure as heck can be reliable."

I've found myself feeling terribly alone at times and wanting so much to have companionship. Even just a little talk might relieve this sort of dread loneliness. But, truth is I cannot FORCE things to happen that just aren't going to happen - this minute anyway.

I am learning this however, when it seems that no one is available for me I must needs to remember people have busy lives and cares and concerns other than mine. Not everyone all the time could drop what they're doing and give me a little attention although that is what I dream of.

In that instant though, the instant I think about no one being available, I could change the dimension I'm in with one thought. I could think about people who are reliable instead of who isn't available? I could think of times when I needed someone to rely on AND the memories of those times when I was rescued fill my mind and settle my heart and soul. AND this whole process is about TIME.

Time is an illusion. Give yourself some time. Take time. In due time. How many times? What time is it? Which time are you talking about? Oh no not this time?

It's about time!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

excuse making - does it come natural or is it learned?

I was speaking with a disciple the other day about spiritual exercizing. We talked about the phrase often heard in 12 step recovery circles, " the program is a simple program for complicated people." Now I don't agree with that ( I know, you're not shocked LOL) because from my own personal exprience, from experience being an observer and by meditating about those things I heard and saw while observing I may conclude accurately that the 12 step program is " a simple program for LAZY people."

We live in an age, if you're connected overly with society and its current consciousness where folks almost always make an excuse for their behavior and/or look for an easier, softer way out of a situation even if that means being disloyal to the rest of the human race. We don't value values.

Study history and you'll notice that up to around 250 a.d. people sought wisdom and guidance from the wise ( sages, mystics, prophets) and from spiritual leaders. Not long after a.d. it was people and politics that co-erced, blackmailed, shang hai'd ,  manipulated and threatened the populations! What did we receive from that? Bribery!

We as people have been bribed - to do things we don't want to do , are bribed - into receiving gifts and rewards, do bribe - others as we force them to do things they know are wrong but if we're honest about it we bribe our damn selves.

This emotional black op's of hijacking others and ourselves can go on for years and decades unnoticed to the " untrained " eye. There are symptoms of this disease which strongly influences our desire to control others. Funny part of it, well, not so funny is the manipulation is so poisonous that our minds begin to manipulate themselves- hence the self-bribery. We have turned on others and the result is we turn on ourselves at some point.

The tell tale symptom that we've departed from realistic thinking about what to do and what not to do is dis-satisfaction. We become dis-satisfied and most solutions that normally would appeal to the mature man or woman seem foreign. Those steps we would need to take look to be well, way out of our way. And this is the second symptom, we don't feel we should " go out of our way" any more, at least not like we used to. If IT can't happen quickly for us- we dismiss it!

If something can't be solved in the proverbial micro-wave minute, we don't have the time for it. I'm NOT talking about someone talking NON SENSE. You don't have to have time for that but be available for as much as you can however, we can all learn something from each other.

What I'm talking about is that folks don't sit down anymore and have discussions. As soon as you approach another because of a disagreement or hurt feelings they tend to go on the defensive and what COULD have been a constructive conversation becomes a de- structive confrontation!

It's easier to " fly off " the handle rather than be patient and understandable. It's easier to ignore another person than it is to take time with them. It's easier to give up or give in or make excuses. The problem becomes the focus not the solution.

We've become lazy. It's much easier for some folks to act stupid, to be hateful, to make excuses and to blame someone else. 

We've become lazy about doing the right thing. Lazy about doing the best thing. Lazy about doing the legal thing. And we've become lazy about doing the LOVING thing!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Some Harley riders are saying " look at my feminine side"

Before I begin let me say I was there, I had 2 Harley motorcycles and I did the " femine " side thing as well but not quite as profound as some of my fellow riders.

This writing is an observation - albeit an accurate one.

What is really behind all the glossy, bright paint? What else would you call the added GLAM - the eye catching shiny chrome and the leather with it's studs? What really is behind those glowing blue and red lights placed neatly under the gas tank to reflect off the engine at night?

It's no secret that men have a femine side and for me - I'm o.k. with it, but I woke up early this morning wondering about this whole idea to allure others with the " look at my lovely bike" MENTALITY. My neighbor bought a rather masculine type Harley a couple years ago, white pearl paint and nothing fancy or awkward and I say AWKWARD because once you agree with this girlish angle I'm proposing you'll notice that these schemes on Harley's with the added trinkets and gems are awkward to that motorcycle brand! So THEN my neighbor repainted his bike a pretty purple, added more chrome and has beautiful appealing saddle bags with " quite noticeable" studs. He MANICURES his machine but hardly rides it and when it is parked in front of his home after the usual pedicure ( careful wash, wax and buff) it screams " look at pretty me" and it is pretty no doubt!

And that's the other side of this story as well- the sexual shiver that overcomes one, the " chill " in the spine to the brain when that pulritudeness Harley passes you in the street!

I did the add on thing with my bikes, never changed the color of the tank and fenders. I put on the SUBSTITUTE earrings, bracelets, necklace and toe rings. They were different but not eye popping or stimulating. Well, the Sportster seemed to stimulate some being black with red wheels and a tan seat! And I have to admit now that the Electra Glide was abnoxious as a bar fly at 2 a.m.with it's blaring stereo sound. O.K. I can admit it! No offense to barflys- we love 'em.

What were I and what are my friends of the road really saying with the window rattling exhaust, the long protruding front ends, the weaving in and out and the speed? Why does someone purchase a motorcycle for $9,000.00 to $25,000.00 and add thousands $$$$$$ more? Not satisfied with it? Didn't like it in the first place? I don't have the full answer so maybe someone can procure a government grant to study this?

When it's all said and done friend, there's no doubt that owners have turned the masculine American machine into a lovley lady of the road! And there's nothing wrong with that.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

" Truth is truth. Truth is not democratic, you don't vote on truth. If it's true, it's true. If it's not true, it's not true."

I heard this term used " truth is truth. Truth is not democratic, you don't vote on truth. If it's true, it's true. If it's not true, it's not true. "  Bob Bauval.

I'm writing this and  I have no intention to criticize a particluar religion or group of people for their beliefs. What people believe is their belief but how their beliefs affect others or affect me is another matter.

Ever think about STRONGLY where your ancestors came from? For decades no one in MY family ever questioned where beyond Europe did the maternal or paternal tribe travel from.

As a Christian I never questioned this, never thought about beyond Europe. Why?

I think I now have the answer.

As a Christian there is much focus on original sin, that is Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and the serpent, the apples and the naked truth. The emphasis on original sin is man made and was made " official " by the church by VOTE and is known as " the original sin doctrine" which you may investigate yourself.

" Truth is truth. Truth is not democratic, you don't vote on truth. If it's true, it's true. If it's not true, it's not true. "

I was indoctrinated Catholic and practiced the " born again " system of Christian religion for decades. When I wondered about my relatives, my ancestors I could only view in my mind those I had known personally or from pictures passed on by the family.

For an ODD reason, I never envisioned ancestor's other than what I described above, those I knew personally or from pictures I had seen passed down through the family.

For OBVIOUS reasons, the thought of a family lineage almost always seemed to point in another direction. The information I received from Catholic School and the other churches I attended over the years was that my blood
is " tainted " with original sin and I am a sinner wether I can help it or
not. I was told I am CURSED! The Adam and Eve story.

Why would anyone look back into their family history if they were told their family has been cursed? Why would you even think about exploring it? I came from a long line of heathens I imagined and WE ( folks born again and righteous ) don't bother with heathens.

Then this past 12 months I came to look at things differently - less judgemental, less predjudical and less self-righteous. My mind was WIDE OPEN!

" Truth is truth. Truth is not democratic, you don't vote on truth. If it's true, it's true. If it's not true, it's not true. "

After much research years ago I came to doubt the theory of original sin based solely on this statement- Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." The book of Genisis Chapter One verse 26- the Holy Bible.

Take what you want from that. ( ME;  since God is good and pure and all knowing AND we were ( are ) created in His image then we are ( were ) good and pure and all knowing - then how were WE duped by the devil AND didn't he see it coming? )

Anyway, now that I believe that I am a good person and I make mistakes based upon my upbringing and other influences not to forget my own blunders, I can ask the question " who are my true ancestor's?"

Who lived since the beginning of civilization to my great great grandparents in Europe? Fossils tell one side of the story but now tribes can be traced through DNA.

My ancestoral line goes from Europe back to Egypt and I am excited about it! I suddenly have a picture of my ancestor's, those folks I never saw personally or in pictures. And they are not the heathens and devil worshippers I envisioned as a result of religious indoctrination or religious Hollywood movies!

" Truth is truth. Truth is not democratic, you don't vote on truth. If it's true, it's true. If it's not true, it's not true. "

Just for the record, before the arguement starts I saw another oddity. In the Bible God created the earth in 6 days then rested on the 7th - this isn't odd but;

in the Book of Genesis, Chapter One verse 3; " God said let there be light then there was light."  (day one )

In the Book of Genesis, Chapter one verse 16; God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.(  day four )

Since the sun and the moon and the stars weren't created until the 4th day - what was the light in the first day about?

" Truth is truth. Truth is not democratic, you don't vote on truth. If it's true, it's true. If it's not true, it's not true. "

Thursday, July 14, 2011

If you didn't improve

If you didn't improve even just a little bit since yesterday then you owe that day another try.


a bee

- a bee flew in my vest and stung me on the chest-
I felt the sting and didn't scream and continued on my quest.

papajohn "tales from the road"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Not all trees that bend break.

I want to write my OWN story. I'm referring to what it is I would like to do and where it is I'd like to go- in life.

Now, if you're attitude toward me is that I'm off my rocker, a kook , then let me be the first to inform you that you're unaware and maybe even untaught where life matters are concerned.

You may feel I'm being egotistical but the fact is, if you're ignorant about people's dreams and goals then it is you who is egotistical while I become realisitic. You who are jealous while I become ambitous. You who shake your head while I hold mine up high!

I would hope that you support people in their dreams and goals and not co-erce, blackmail or manipulate them into following the path you did in life.

You see, if it comes down to co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation then one would be most certain to conclude that something is DEFINITELY wrong with your state. If it comes down to co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation on your part then one can only conclude the course you've taken has been regrettable for you.

Understand that where there are attempts to control another human being, like under the circumstances I suggested above, where someone is charting out a life path and you're not happy about what you see maybe it has nothing to do with the other person's happiness and more about your unhappiness.

Maybe co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation are tools you use to " bring down " another person. Maybe co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation are a style you use so that another will not succeed. Maybe co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation is what was used on you at one point?

Things aren't always " exactly " this way or that way.

The sun rises, goes across the sky and then each evening it sets. Rain comes quickly, lightly or heavily and then it stops. The wind blows or it breezes and then the wind calms down. Life is like that, changing, twisting and turning, on - off.

Not all trees that bend break.

A tree that isn't broken makes great shade and would you change the shape and circumference of a tree to give you shade at a certain point during the day as the sun moves overhead? No, you move under the tree and trust that where you move next there will be shade.

Trust IN others then.

Move WITH them.

Enjoy the way they ARE.

A tree supports itself, no? When you are enjoying the shade of the tree do you constantly remind the tree to do this or that to suit you? Under its shade do you not rest and relax as life around you continues?

Not all trees that bend break.

Not all humans that TRY fail.


If your head is a bad neighborhood-

In meetings we hear this said " I don't go up into my head without adult supervision, my mind is a bad neighborhood."

But " I " tell you that this statement is destructive and self-defeating!

If your head is a " bad neighborhood " use the tools you've been given;

1. Discuss the situation with my advisor, teacher or guru and follow guidance.

2. Meditate.

3. Pray.

4. Get into the solution.

If your head is a bad neighborhood- get your tools together, you're ( mind ) cleaning supplies and go back up there and clean it out!


Why to we become so destructive that way as we get older?

When I was a kid growing up I listened to different music artists, groups. My eight track collection included Creedence Clearwater revival, Led Zeppelin, Cheech and Chong and Neil Diamond and comedy tracks like Bill Cosby.

My friends, say at cage 12, 13 and 14 shared the same taste in music and if they didn't it was no big deal. As I grew older I became ware that what I mlistened to ( among other things) rally made an impression on people around me. Matter of fact, there were bands I wouldn't listen to because it was taboo in certain circles. I also stopped listening to certain artists lest I became an outcast - a " cream puff" .


Why to we become so  destructive that way as we get older? Why so abnoxious? Why so cruel?  Worst of all now, we spread these poisonous principles to our children!


Why do we destroy precious, loving, non-judgemental minds?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Unless you live in a monastery you can't hide forever. ( I don't live in fear I deal with it.)

I don't live " in fear " - I live in this suit which is known as the human body. I reside in a home located in a town. Yes it is in " a state " and yes I live in  a country - on and on and on and on and on.

But I DON'T live in fear!

There are occasions that I become afraid.

As fear manifests itself in my mind I feel danger, dread or maybe even evil. I become uneasy and anxious. There is concern. Some people get frightened, alarmed and terrified!

I DON'T live in fear!

In our mind we may become unsure, uneasy and doubtful. We might think of loss or seperation. Our outlook might trigger a " painful " view of the future. You may get tired, fatigued and withdrawn. One might become solitary. Surely you'll be upset.



These things, these issues, these emotions, notions, conclusions and ideas are nothing! They are nothing.


They haven't happened and probably will not happen and most likely none of them will ever happen - become reality!

How is that?

Because what we are thinking is based on past experiences in our life. How we are feeling is based on past experiences. What we think we see is based on past experience.

We enter the mind of  " ILLUSION". It is not real, its appearance is misleading, it gives us a false impression, idea or belief. You may consider yourself at this point, self-deceived!

No person, place or thing will save you. We might find release and comfort from a specific person, place or thing but the security is transitional. Unless you live in a monastery you can't hide forever.

Why are you afraid? I didn't ask you " what happeened ? " I asked, " why are YOU afraid? "

You can't answer it can you? Even if someone told you there is a mad man coming to your house to kill you, why be afraid? It hasn't happened yet? Will it happen? Maybe he'll be run over by the noon bus! Maybe he'll knock on your door and notice a sweet aroma of a Lilac tree nearby or see the beautiful rose bush in the yard or he might be overcome by a food you cooked this morning the smell of which is still ingering and his disposition will change- no? Can this happen?

I don't live in fear.

To live in a frightened state is not helpful at all. In fact when you become overwhelmed by it you not only raise a white flag of surrender and dispense all hope, you create a bullseye - a target on your chest or back and exclaim "here I am, please make me a victim." Are you? Can you be a victim if nothing happened to you yet?

Why do you?

Because we haven't learned NEW ways to cope with life and its events, because we don't understand how to pause and relax, we rely on old information when dealing with new situations. The old ways didn't work yet we still RE-ACT that way!

To pause and relax is the key. Even if you don't " act " on what it is that's bothering you for days at a time- so what? Better to do nothing and go about your day that start trouble. Yes? Take a week or a month if you have to to sort it out. So what? It's better than being a victim. pleading with the world to have pity on you for something that hasn't happened yet!

I don't live in fear I deal with it.

you do it- I do it!

Religious misconceptions; "Hindus worship hundreds and thousands of different Gods!"
DEITIES in the Hindu religion stand for many different things- love, beauty, good health to name a few. I say they "stand for" because some people believe Hindus worship " false god's " this way.
Truth - There is only ONE God in the Hindu religion! This ONE God has MANY FACES! The many faces have names. The names are associated with its appropriate deity.
To look for hope and strength in a deity isn't blasphemy against your God or my God, as a matter of fact millions of people every day around the world turn to people, places and things of divine nature for hope and strength! You do it, I do it!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Heck, go a step further and do something for a stranger!

As Americans we tend to not " moderate " as much as we can or should, everything seems to have to be bigger or more is better is a popular flavor.

It's not hard to understand how the rest of the world views us and why, especially less developed countries or as we're witnessing now from the Middle East, leaders who have amassed great amounts of wealth while keeping the people in poverty. Protests of outrage continue.

I've been re-training myself to live simply and think more of others. I've cut the unnecessary spending on things like expensive cable tv, which by the way no matter how many channels you have you may only watch one at a time but you PAY for all of them! It's a gimmick out of control.

One day I looked around my home and said to myself, " this isn't a home - a place of refuge and shelter. This is a damn museum!" It wasn't until I cut off the " stimulating " cable tv that my mind settled and I began to see things as they really are. Without tv and commercials I'm not emotionally strong armed, co-erced or tempted to buy into the silly ideas they  call " something we can't live without." I am also not made to feel less than or guilty because I don't have this product or that new gadget most of which don't make life any easier.

I am also much more satisfied with what I have left after giving away or selling rather cheap most of my household items and toys, as a matter of fact I made up my mind to downsize in ALL areas of my life where material things are concerned and I've settled for PRACTICAL instead of clever, fancy and namebrands.

I also GIVE more and do so spontaneously. We always have an opportunity if we're listening and paying attention to what is going on around us to help another or just plain old dig in your pocket and say "here, have a nice day."

AND because the stress to keep up or stay ahead or stay on top of the rising bills is gone I smile more often and smiles are contagious. Pay it forward as a lady remarked to me today at Avalon.

Our time and money should be precious and of concern to us. If we respect time and money then we won't waste it. If we're not wasting it there's more to go around. If there's more to go around there's less greed, with less greed more people have what they need. And when we have what we need and less what we want, we appreciate what we have.Value becomes part of our vocabulary. And when we place value on what we have instead of what we need we're happy and satisfied, grateful or we should be.

Here's a word you don't hear often in this country of ours when it comes to unnecessary spending- stingy.

Do you know why?

Because if people became stingy the unnecessary spending would stop and when the unnecessary spending stops those people who are stealing your hard earned cash will have to find a new line of business!

When we get off our duffs from in front of the tv and actually go outside perhaps we might see where we could invest our time more wisely. We might even see for the first time in a long time that our neighbor could use a hand. We might even volunteer time to a charity or organization.

We should celebrate a day called "unlpug your house day " where for one day (maybe more) we unplug everything in our homes and use alternatives methods or do activities where WE actually entertain our friends, relatives or neighbors! Heck, go a step further and do something for a stranger!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

How many times must one person be punished for the same thing?

If you use anger to fight fear you are still angry.

When we " fear " an angry person we fuel their anger.

Fear and anger feed off each other.

Your anger causes others to be fearful.

When FEAR has a power struggle with ANGER there are no winners, only losers. 

You see when something or someone is FEARED, that fear transforms itself into a danger and when a thing or one becomes dangerous there is no hiding from it. Everywhere we go we will see the feared thing or one or we are reminded of it - danger lurks everywhere with paranoia surely setting in. 

Anger on the other hand becomes rage and when one has rage toward a thing or someone- clear thinking is impossible, you become consumed by it, it becomes a flame. Sometimes we just feed that flame continually with our hate.

Sometimes the flame is difficult to extinguish because it is fed by the hurt from him or her who our anger is directed toward. You enjoy punishing someone.

How many times must one person be punished for the same thing?


resurrect a word-

Here's a word not often used in today's world;


Difficulty 2

Definition: Something difficult; a thing hard to do or to understand; that which occasions labor or perplexity, and requires skill and perseverance to overcome, solve, or achieve; a hard enterprise; an obstacle; an impediment; as, the difficulties of a science; difficulties in theology.

Difficulty 3

Definition: A controversy; a falling out; a disagreement; an objection; a cavil.

Difficulty 4

Definition: Embarrassment of affairs, especially financial affairs; usually in the plural; as, to be in difficulties.

difficulty 5

Definition: an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"

difficulty 6

Definition: the quality of being difficult; "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb"

difficulty 7

Definition: a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result; "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent"

difficulty 8

Definition: a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one''s ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome; "grappling with financial difficulties"

Life is easy or impossible the way society looks upon challenges in modern times; overcome, obliterate or destroy.

1. These days someone MUST become king of the mountain.

2. These days someone must be " A " ruler.

3. These days someone must take ALL the credit.

How is a MOUNTAIN created from a molehill?

Cannot people see what is true, what is real, what are lies?

Do not be deceived:

a. life can be difficult my friend.

b. life is not impossible to navigate.

c. we can rise up and meet the days     challenges.

d. we don't need another hero.

e. all things done humbly.

DIFFCULT .  .  .  .  .  but not impossible.
