Sunday, July 17, 2011

Some Harley riders are saying " look at my feminine side"

Before I begin let me say I was there, I had 2 Harley motorcycles and I did the " femine " side thing as well but not quite as profound as some of my fellow riders.

This writing is an observation - albeit an accurate one.

What is really behind all the glossy, bright paint? What else would you call the added GLAM - the eye catching shiny chrome and the leather with it's studs? What really is behind those glowing blue and red lights placed neatly under the gas tank to reflect off the engine at night?

It's no secret that men have a femine side and for me - I'm o.k. with it, but I woke up early this morning wondering about this whole idea to allure others with the " look at my lovely bike" MENTALITY. My neighbor bought a rather masculine type Harley a couple years ago, white pearl paint and nothing fancy or awkward and I say AWKWARD because once you agree with this girlish angle I'm proposing you'll notice that these schemes on Harley's with the added trinkets and gems are awkward to that motorcycle brand! So THEN my neighbor repainted his bike a pretty purple, added more chrome and has beautiful appealing saddle bags with " quite noticeable" studs. He MANICURES his machine but hardly rides it and when it is parked in front of his home after the usual pedicure ( careful wash, wax and buff) it screams " look at pretty me" and it is pretty no doubt!

And that's the other side of this story as well- the sexual shiver that overcomes one, the " chill " in the spine to the brain when that pulritudeness Harley passes you in the street!

I did the add on thing with my bikes, never changed the color of the tank and fenders. I put on the SUBSTITUTE earrings, bracelets, necklace and toe rings. They were different but not eye popping or stimulating. Well, the Sportster seemed to stimulate some being black with red wheels and a tan seat! And I have to admit now that the Electra Glide was abnoxious as a bar fly at 2 a.m.with it's blaring stereo sound. O.K. I can admit it! No offense to barflys- we love 'em.

What were I and what are my friends of the road really saying with the window rattling exhaust, the long protruding front ends, the weaving in and out and the speed? Why does someone purchase a motorcycle for $9,000.00 to $25,000.00 and add thousands $$$$$$ more? Not satisfied with it? Didn't like it in the first place? I don't have the full answer so maybe someone can procure a government grant to study this?

When it's all said and done friend, there's no doubt that owners have turned the masculine American machine into a lovley lady of the road! And there's nothing wrong with that.

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