Wednesday, April 13, 2011

earthship tranquility

Behind me is the sweet aroma of white sage mixed with a hint of sweet grass, there is lotus oil burning in the lamp. I have finished the morning dance with Xena, my loyal companion. My heart is calm, my soul is rippling and my mind is free.

I wondered for a moment about the many things I've done lately, what manifested from prayer, meditation and self-examintaion. I pondered this journey.

Things done in thought, word and deed- things that have not benefited mankind and I am sorry for them. I have, to the utmost of my ability, reconciled the past and met controversy on its battlefield of revenge and unforgiveness.

Transgressions cannot at times be undone or rewritten- only forsaken. 

We live in this capsule with one another, beside one another AND for one another. We should at every turn think about how our actions will benefit mankind- to be helpful and not harmful. And still we weep, and we mourn and we cringe. Why?

What saith thee about this hate you embrace like a lottery ticket? How can we justify the visions of bestowing upon another creature doom and gloom and even death as if we could gift wrap it to avoid controversy? From which part of your heart do these desires of revenge arise?

And do not you, when you're all alone in the dark, wondering about the road that brought you to this point, don't you wish you could change the marks you left along the hardwood floor of life? Who will release you? How will you be released?

I don't know what love is entirely however I DO know what LOVE isn't.

AND at the end of the day, nay, the end of OUR life then this is what will matter, my experiences - as " I " see them, as I interpet them; as THEY affected me and mankind as a whole. Maybe I don't know what this thing you call life IS, but I am learning for sure what it ISN'T!

We may have a destiny - today, this hour, next hour, tomorrow or even next week. Our journey begins each day we open our eyes and open our mind and become conscious. The journey may be one short trek downstairs to open the windows, make a coffee, pet our animal friend, water the plants.

Our journey may be to smile WHEN someone least expects it, to hold a door when we don't feel like it, to give a hand when we want to stay idle, our journey may be to be quiet and listen.

Maybe the journey is to awake inside and journey inside ourselves, to love ourselves, to be kind to ourselves, to have dignity and self-respect.

We have a choice what we think about and how long we think about it. We have a choice to move forward, stay put or traverse the roads of the past. Good memories are good to memorize, no?

A bell is ringing for you this day, do you hear it?

Follow the bell with your heart and flee from the siren of your hateful mind. Flee from those things that keep you hostage, those things that bind you, those things that TELL you "you're o.k. - this is o.k." WHEN you know it's a lie. AND the truth is you're lying to yourself. Follow the bell!

Escape from the labyrinth of self absorption. Smell fragrances that as a child brought a smile to your face, embrace your five senses, now.

I tell you to seek that which you are not. Look for the you you have visions of. Find the you you saw as a child. Capture the you you lost along the way; the you you know you aren't but want to be.

Awaken from your sleep. Arise to meet the day.  Start your journey anew. Embrace yourself.

Inhale, exhale. Relax.

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