Thursday, March 24, 2011

What if reality is " the mind " of God?

This afternoon's meditation concerns reality. I am continuing this venture from yesterday's focus - heart emotion.

Is reality in the mind? Does reality exhist in the heart?

Here's a thought, even when I am not concious I AM conscious. In sleep you may call it a dream state or during waking hours a subconcious but something is always going on, ah in there if " in there " is where IT"S at!

What is IT exactly that I SEE when I am seeing things? How can I tell you that what I'm observing is real or my imagination? And if IT'S only my imagination does it count for anything?

There is power in thought, in vision and in imagination.

There is power in mind, in heart and in soul. I say power because what happens there in thought, in vision and the imagination can affect what's happening in the mind, the heart and the soul. I think of them as seperate yet they cannot be seperate but only that they exhist in ONE body. And don't all things exhists together?

I would like to know what happened before the Big Bang?

A friend of mine said the other day " I'm studying the latest findings that before the Big Bang there may have been numerable universes " and I said "that's cool, a universe that has no end next to another universe that has no end." (yeah, I can imagine that)

I don't believe that A God is watching over us with a register or a PC marking down our sins of omission and commission. If anyone says they CAN describe God that person is either a liar or God itself. I don't know either if there is only ONE God and if there have been many God's over the decades who competed against each other and the smartest or most powerful God won. If that's the case then where are the other God's? Did they retire? Are they ever sought for counsel or advice then?

I studied a book called " A History of God " by Karen Armstrong and if you haven't read it I suggest it. She comments on 4,000 years of documentation from Judaism to Christianity to Islam.

Since I believe from my studies and experience that WE are all connected, meaning this planet and ALL of it as well as the rest of what we know exhists then there may exhist a THREAD of commonality- a common consience if you will, a common heartbeat if I may. But the question then may arise - "from WHERE did this conscience or heartbeat originate?"  I'll tell you, "I don't know."

I conclude these things based on other's conclusions and thus the theory may be tainted. This doesn't mean, however that reality isn't the mind of God.

Most people agree that there is a Power, a Higher Being, A Creator, A God yet no one can accurately describe him or her or it.

But millions of people CAN'T be wrong IF and WHEN they pray to what "they believe" is the Ultimate Source, these petitions get addressed and even answered? So is there someone other than US at the controls?

I make every attempt to be fair in my judgements and of course to be as REALISITIC as possible. I cannot dismiss the facts, the documentation, the history of a Greater Life Force at the helm. I am not so SMALL that I can explain, without reservation that there is but only ONE King God the leader.The facts don't support it and so I remain an open mind until otherwise.

AND it is the open mind principle about which I write this;

" What if reality is " the mind " of God? "

We talk about God's will and OUR will. We talk about using OUR will. We talk about how OUR will doesn't always get the desired result. Then we talk about doing God's will, true?

When WE are doing OUR will are WE not conscious of it? AND if WE are conscious of it, are WE not thinking it then?

What if  WE do what WE believe is God's will then, are WE not just as conscious of it and wouldn't WE be thinking of it, God's will?

When OUR will doesn't work what would we call that IF we put it in the context of realistic or irrational?

When we seek and do the will of God are we not convinced then that this is "THE WAY" to proceed? And when we proceed on that path and in that direction aren't we suprized at the results? Could we now say that following the will of God is THE REALISITIC appoach to take? (as opposed to now what we might call our own will as unreasonable and impractical)

AND so we choose to make this conscious contact, to open up the lines of communication to God so to speak, lines that already exhist but for the initiative to THINK our way to and through them.

And we move from circumstance to circumstance- we hop from situation to situation and we navigate the portals of the life experience and we oft come to conclusions that "our ideas" aren't so bright. AND in a moment we can turn on a switch and switch, with a thought, an idea from OUR will to Gods, from what seems to be an unrealisitic experience to a pleasurable, safe and secure mindset that is God's will.

And so we move from OUR mind to the mind of God. From OUR mind- fictional, illusory, and hypothetical TO REALITY.

Namaste' the tat2guru

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