I used to be "driven" by fear. Fear was taken to an even " higher " level by ego. I was part coward and part dictator. That was not me, not the "being" I was created to be.
I've learned that most folks these days operate from "conditioning" by outside influences like television. We also act and re-act based upon our life experiences.
I've got good news- today is a new day!
A friend, William Tiller was quoted as saying, "you don't see the traps until you go through the crap, once you go through the crap- you know the traps."
There will never be a shortage of traps in life that's for sure, yet, we keep finding ourselves over and over again falling, what seems helplessly into the ditch of "confusion", "hurt", "complaining" and "victim".
Is this necessary? No it is not.
It is not necessary unless you "like" being the victim, you like complaining, you like being hurt, you like being confused. Maybe, however, these things are all you know, these things become your method of exhisting, these things are what you rely upon on a daily basis because it seems normal.
Is it normal? No it is not.
I was once like you. I was once totally helpless. I was once a victim of ruthless, ego-driven and less than compassionate people. I succumbed, gave way, surrendered, resigned and abandoned myself to what I thought was my lot in life. Then one day I woke up, I had really, an awakening.
My heart aches for people young and old who die because they are being pushed to the brink of hopelessness and helplessness. Worst than that is the generation after generation that carries on this mistreatment of their fellows. AND, now we know, that todays pharmaceuticals cause more harm than good upon the individual who places his or her trust in a pill. Don't forget drug and alcohol abuse and reliance upon things material.
STOP, take a breath (take many), relax. What, on earth are you doing? Where, on earth are you going? Where, in hell have you been? What, by God should you do?
It's time NOT to confront forces that push you this way or that way. No, it's time to confront YOURSELF. When we confront ourselves, when we can become truthful "with" ourselves and truthful "about" ourselves, it is then that we begin the process of change, change that hopefully becomes a transformation.
When we connect with a source more powerful than our finite selves and start the process of self-searching, we find ourselves in the midst of the "pupa" stage of development from something insignificant (as we see ourselves most days) to something valid, meaningful and expressive.
FLY, fly away free.
We can and must discard the robe of helplessness, the garb of misfortune and shame, the outer layer of guilt and remorse. We must envelop ourselves, wrap, cover and surround ourselves with cloaks of goodness and decency and self-respect.
Our healing comes NOT by destroying forces that push us this way or that way, No ! Our healing comes NOT by making them ( whoever that may be) "pay" for our hurt OR our misfortune. Our healing comes NOT from wishing "ill will" upon folks we have come to despise and regret. No !
PUT DOWN your weapons friends. Lay aside revenge. Put your mind at ease AND learn to love.
Learn to LOVE by starting with yourself, the "good" you, the "hopeful" you, the "magnificent" you, the "charming" you, the "prosperous" you, the "loving" you.
Now, your heart has stopped racing, your thoughts have slowed down and your body feels a sudden rest upon itself. Isn't that a more cheerful experience than the torment you've been putting yourself through? Why torment yourself?
Trust the truth and be free!
I am no longer a slave to a premature demise brought about by circumstances I cannot control or change.
I am no longer a slave to a premature demise, a premature death because I have learned, it is O.K. that there are things which I have NO control over and it DOESN'T MATTER what anyone else thinks about me when it concerns these situations however painful they may be right now!
If there's nothing I can do about it, then, there's nothing I can do about "it" - the situation. However, that doesn't mean that there's absolutley NOTHING else I can do.
AND THAT IS THE TRAP- thinking that there's nothing else I can do.
We have been in a long struggle with someone or something. When, after this long struggle the outcome isn't favorable to us, we are usually convinced at some point that we are defeated. "They have won" OR "what's the use?"
Don't you think that way friend! Don't think that way because you are only defeated, they only win, when, you fall down to your knees and give up. Don't let them win.
There are always winners and losers, but, that's not how we as human beings are supposed to carry on in this life. We were not created to force our will upon our neighbors or defeat and punish our friends and family. We were created to keep creating goodness, and joy and love. We were created to be free, not afraid!
I am not afraid. Can you say it?
I am not afraid.
Many blessing upon you, tat2guru.