Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Soldiers Prayer

We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all the blessings which thou givest us.
Thou hast kept us by Thy power in good health during the night and Thou hast called us up from sleep, that we may enjoy the light of day and to marvel at Thy Majesty.

We entreat Thee, O Lord, grant that we may live this day without danger or sin, but full of Thy mercies and Thy divine care.

Protect my family and the families of my fellow-soldiers from all evil.
Enlighten the peoples who conquer and torture other nations; make them repent and seek peace, leaving other lands and their dwellers free.

Open Thou the eyes of our mind to see Thy divine law and incline our hearts ever to do Thy commandments, to the glory of Thine all-holy Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

where is the love? {black eyed peas}

Be a Good Example

Be a Good Example

One person makes a lot of difference. If you truly believe in your goodness, in what you are doing, you will influence other people. But if you don't believe, they will influence you. They'll try to make a strong person out of your personality. Whatever you believe is good, stick to it and don't let other people make you waver, because the good example in this world is rare.

So make yourself a good example. Try your best in everything so that people will know that because you practice, you have become better. Then you really are being useful for society. That's how you prove. That's how you help other people. That's how we rescue the world from the great destruction that may be coming. happy kids Pictures, Images and Photos

Dealing with Loneliness

Dealing with Loneliness Bee Flying Pictures, Images and Photos

Loneliness is some of the greatest pain that a human being can undergo. Ironically, it seems that the more people that are born into this world, and the more connected we become, still the more loneliness afflicts us. Though many of us spend each and every day surrounded by people (generally annoying people, let's face it), a hollow gnawing feeling of loneliness persists, occasionally flaring up into a void in which it is easy to become lost. The world seems dark and empty, and it seems as if just existing is a painful experience.

Many loneliness advice pages will tell you to find the positive aspects of being alone. They will tell you to embrace being by yourself, being company for yourself, learning to find yourself as your own best friend, your own lover, your own confidant. That's not bad advice at all, and most of us, especially single people, experience days when being alone is a positive thing. Coming home and being able to relax as one wishes without having to worry about the needs of others. Being able to enjoy a good book or movie uninterrupted, being able to sit alone and think. These are all positive things, but they're not why you're here.

I'm also not going to tell you to find a hobby, or join an interest group, as a human being who has managed to manipulate a search engine well enough to arrive here, I will assume that the obvious answers have already occurred to you. Perhaps you've already picked up a hobby and joined an interest group, and perhaps you still feel alone, and down. Perhaps you're even in a relationship and living with someone, or married and feeling alone. Loneliness can strike anyone at any time.

It is normal to feel lonely sometimes. Everybody has days when it seems as if every single last person on the planet is a twittish deamon sent straight from hell to torment us. The general state of the world at large viewed through the lens of the news media is not a pretty place either. Indeed, on some occasions, the whole thing looks utterly, irretrievably hopeless, and you are a lost soul within it all, crying out for a home, a place where you are loved, and cared for and understood.

Here are a few suggestions that have proved useful for others in the war on loneliness (the first one is unnecessarily using dangerous media terminology for your own amusement.)

Realize That It Will Pass
Loneliness is an emotional reaction, it is not a state of being, no matter how profound it may feel, and no matter how much it hurts, it will pass. For some people, it can pass in an instant upon hearing a good joke, or perhaps it is relieved from a good night's sleep. If you are feeling lonely due to a sudden change in your life, perhaps a death of a loved one, or as the result of a move, then acknowledge to yourself that it makes sense to feel the way you do, but that things will change with time.

You Are Not Alone
It may or may not be a comfort to know that there are literally thousands of people feeling the way you do right now. You are not the only one who feels this way. This won't solve your problem of course, but it may make you feel a little bit better about it, which, oddly enough, alleviates some of the lonely feeling.

You Are Loved
The greatest tragedy about loneliness is that it often convinces us of things that are simply untrue. When feeling lonely and despairing, it is easy to believe that not only are we not loved, we were never loved, by anybody, ever, and that nobody will ever love us in the future either. The reality of the matter is that even if you don't know it, and even if you fervently believe that you are the most wretched person on the face of the earth, there is someone, more likely several someones, who do love you.

Are Significant
You do have a purpose on this planet, and you do make a difference even if you don't know it. The smile you gave the lady on the bus, the way you held a door open for a man carrying a heavy load, the time you sat with your friend as she whined on about some love problem that she'd been whining on for weeks about. These little moments which may seem insignificant to you, can mean the world to someone else. Just because you're not the President of The USA (and be thankful you're not), it doesn't mean that you are insignificant and that nobody cares. Simply the act of releasing a bumble bee buzzing hopelessly against a window pane is enough to have made the world a better place for one of the many lives on the planet.

Laughter really is the best medicine when you're feeling sad and alone. I'm putting a few links here to various funny sites and places you can visit for a quick pick me up when you're feeling lonely. "unknown"

a beer

A beer was spilt on the barroom floor,

And the bar was closed for the night...

And out of his hole, crawled a little brown mouse,

Who made a funny sight...

He lapped up that beer, on the barroom floor,

And back on his haunches he sat...

And all through the night you could hear him yell,

"Bring on the damn cat!"

imikimi - sharing creativity

Prayer for the rigtheous to cover my Grandson JJ

"Lord, please be the shield of protection for your precious child JJ. We know we're powerless over what the cruel world dishes out, but we know you have full Power and Control when we let it be that way.

We lift JJ up to you and ask that you PLACE HIM IN SAFETY. See to it that ALL Wrongdoers loose this battle. Let every lie be known to the blind and protect this baby with your promise.

WE HOLD YOU TO YOUR PROMISE LORD, Let Justice Ring Out for the Righteous... In Jesus we pray."

imikimi - sharing creativity


My eyes,
In my reflection...
I can't help but be dissapointed,
At who i am...

And everytime i feel,
My skin,
Breaking on metal...
It helps me be quiet,
And quiet's where i need to be...

Scars on my skin...
Scars on my heart...
Scars on my soul...
Reminding me of myself...

Scars on my skin...
Scars on my heart...
Scars on my soul...
Reminding me of myself...

And if i let you in,
You'll tear me apart...

Every time i feel alone,
And left forgotten,
I have to believe in something...
Like angels,
To breathe...

And every time i see,
My pain,
Beating in rythym...
I need to be silenced,
In silence where i hide my fear...

Scars on my skin...
Scars on my heart...
Scars on my soul...
Reminding me of myself...

Scars on my skin...
Scars on my heart...
Scars on my soul...
Reminding me of myself...

And if i let you in,
You'll tear me apart...

So just hold me,
Wrap me in your arms,
Don't let me fall again...
Teach me,
So i don't have to learn anything more from you...

Isn't my pain good enough for faith,
In you?
Isn't my pain good enough for faith,
In you?

So just hold me,
Wrap me in your arms,
Don't let me fall again...
Teach me,
So i don't have to learn anything more from you...

Isn't my pain good enough for faith,
In you?
Isn't my pain good enough for faith,
In You?

you are not your name

Thurgood Marshall "What is the quality of your intent?"

What is the quality of your intent?

Certain people have a way of saying things that shake us at the core. Even

when the words do not seem harsh or offensive, the impact is shattering.

What we could be experiencing is the intent behind the words. When we

intend to do good, we do. When we intend to do harm, it happens. What each

of us must come to realize is that our intent always comes through. We

cannot sugarcoat the feelings in our heart of hearts. The emotion is the

energy that motivates. We cannot ignore what we really want to create. We

should be honest and do it the way we feel it. What we owe to ourselves and

around is to examine the reasons of our true intent.

My intent will be evident in the results.”

Thurgood Marshall Pictures, Images and Photos

Prayer for Human Dignity "St. Michael"

A Prayer for Human Dignity

"Dear Lord we ask you to cover us with Your protection against all harm

and evil and to bind every spirit that may come against us.

Into Your hands Dear Lord I commend my body, mind, soul and spirit.

St Michael the Archangel pray for us"

St Michael Pictures, Images and Photos

I know my teacher?

great spirit open their hearts.... Pictures, Images and Photos

I know my teacher?

How is it that
We let our fears
Have such an
Unchecked controlling
Interest in our lives?

Does the desire
For imaginary safety
Grip us so tightly
That we compel
Danger into creation?

Those people, really
They are not like us!
Our reasons for revulsion
And anger, are
After all so reasonable

When did it become
So reasonable to choose
The different, changeable
And unexpected moments
As the lair of danger?

At what point did
We become so in tune
With all future events
We instantly divine who is
Our teacher with today’s lesson?

And who is not?




Certain things cannot be understood until a certain time

and to try and understand them before that time is


Not understanding these things is in and of itself

understanding. pj

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer
(from the New Zealand Prayer Book)

Eternal Spirit, Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the world!
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trials too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and for ever. Amen

Monday, January 24, 2011

Have a Little Faith in Me

The teachings of Truth

Denial is the first practical step toward wiping out of our minds the mistaken beliefs of a lifetime —the beliefs that have made such sad havoc of our lives. By denial we mean declaring not to be true a thing that seems true. Negative appearances are directly opposed to the teachings of Truth. —H. Emilie Cady

Save me now
before my world falls
Save me now
from myself
before the dawn

Save me now
before my world falls
Save me now
from myself
before the dawn

Save me now
I'm at the reaper's door
Can't you see
you hold the key
to set my mind free...

Save me now
I'm at the reaper's door
Can't you see
you hold the key
to set my mind free...

I am not afraid -

I used to be "driven" by fear. Fear was taken to an even " higher " level by ego. I was part coward and part dictator. That was not me, not the "being" I was created to be.

I've learned that most folks these days operate from "conditioning" by outside influences like television. We also act and re-act based upon our life experiences.

I've got good news- today is a new day!

A friend, William Tiller was quoted as saying, "you don't see the traps until you go through the crap, once you go through the crap- you know the traps."

There will never be a shortage of traps in life that's for sure, yet, we keep finding ourselves over and over again falling, what seems helplessly into the ditch of "confusion", "hurt", "complaining" and "victim".

Is this necessary? No it is not.

It is not necessary unless you "like" being the victim, you like complaining, you like being hurt, you like being confused. Maybe, however, these things are all you know, these things become your method of exhisting, these things are what you rely upon on a daily basis because it seems normal.

Is it normal? No it is not.

I was once like you. I was once totally helpless. I was once a victim of ruthless, ego-driven and less than compassionate people. I succumbed, gave way, surrendered, resigned and abandoned myself to what I thought was my lot in life. Then one day I woke up, I had really, an awakening.

My heart aches for people young and old who die because they are being pushed to the brink of hopelessness and helplessness. Worst than that is the generation after generation that carries on this mistreatment of their fellows. AND, now we know, that todays pharmaceuticals cause more harm than good upon the individual who places his or her trust in a pill. Don't forget drug and alcohol abuse and reliance upon things material.

STOP, take a breath (take many), relax. What, on earth are you doing? Where, on earth are you going? Where, in hell have you been? What, by God should you do?

It's time NOT to confront forces that push you this way or that way. No, it's time to confront YOURSELF. When we confront ourselves, when we can become truthful "with" ourselves and truthful "about" ourselves, it is then that we begin the process of change, change that hopefully becomes a transformation.

When we connect with a source more powerful than our finite selves and start the process of self-searching, we find ourselves in the midst of the "pupa" stage of development from something insignificant (as we see ourselves most days) to something valid, meaningful and expressive.

FLY, fly away free.

We can and must discard the robe of helplessness, the garb of misfortune and shame, the outer layer of guilt and remorse. We must envelop ourselves, wrap, cover and surround ourselves with cloaks of goodness and decency and self-respect.

Our healing comes NOT by destroying forces that push us this way or that way, No ! Our healing comes NOT by making them ( whoever that may be) "pay" for our hurt OR our misfortune. Our healing comes NOT from wishing "ill will" upon folks we have come to despise and regret. No !

PUT DOWN your weapons friends. Lay aside revenge. Put your mind at ease AND learn to love.

Learn to LOVE by starting with yourself, the "good" you, the "hopeful" you, the "magnificent" you, the "charming" you, the "prosperous" you, the "loving" you.

Now, your heart has stopped racing, your thoughts have slowed down and your body feels a sudden rest upon itself. Isn't that a more cheerful experience than the torment you've been putting yourself through? Why torment yourself?

Trust the truth and be free!

I am no longer a slave to a premature demise brought about by circumstances I cannot control or change.

I am no longer a slave to a premature demise, a premature death because I have learned, it is O.K. that there are things which I have NO control over and it DOESN'T MATTER what anyone else thinks about me when it concerns these situations however painful they may be right now!

If there's nothing I can do about it, then, there's nothing I can do about "it" - the situation. However, that doesn't mean that there's absolutley NOTHING else I can do.

AND THAT IS THE TRAP- thinking that there's nothing else I can do.

We have been in a long struggle with someone or something. When, after this long struggle the outcome isn't favorable to us, we are usually convinced at some point that we are defeated. "They have won" OR "what's the use?"

Don't you think that way friend! Don't think that way because you are only defeated, they only win, when, you fall down to your knees and give up. Don't let them win.

There are always winners and losers, but, that's not how we as human beings are supposed to carry on in this life. We were not created to force our will upon our neighbors or defeat and punish our friends and family. We were created to keep creating goodness, and joy and love. We were created to be free, not afraid!

I am not afraid. Can you say it?

I am not afraid.

Many blessing upon you, tat2guru.

"we read Step One when there's a newcomer"

I'm wondering why, when a newcomer arrives at an A.A. meeting AND identifies himself or herself as a newcomer, why does the chair person say "it's the group policy to read the first step when we have a newcomer."

O.K. , before I get a stupid response I know that that policy was adopted at a business meeting and that's the protocol of the group AND after reading the First Step that that is the topic or discussion so let's look at this from another angle.

Why would the group want to READ and only DISCUSS the First Step to and with the newcomer, why not WORK the First Step right then and there with the newcomer?

What is going on with just a discussion is a competition of sorts at who knows the most about the First Step and usually it turns into each person "topping" what the previous person shared. A battle of egos.

This happens because there is NO ACTION, only wording. AND even if the words are about hope and faith, "faith without works is dead" no? Big Book, page 14, Bill's story. " Particularly was it imperative to work with others as he had worked with me. Faith without works is dead, he said." (Ebby talking to Bill.)

So, would you tell me that discussing Step One is following the principle of working with another alcoholic? AND why not have the newcomer "take" the First Step?

Since it is common knowledge that the A.A. founder Bill Wilson and the A.A. co-founder Dr. Bob Smith took their steps the FIRST day why did "rationalizing" taking the steps with dangerous delay and much caution become today's protocol?

When a person realizes and can admit that the way they drank wasn't normal, then what does that say?

When a person admits that he or she got into trouble, then what does that say?

Isn't that the essence, that which is necessary, the substance, the basic element of the First Step - admitting we were powerless? (" helpless " as this word powerless is defined in a dictionary)

Then why do we NOT ALLOW the taking of the First Step at a meeting when a newcomer CAN admit they are "helpless" when it comes to alcohol?

War Party Said "Thank You God"


Blessed be the work of our hands.
Blessed be these hands that touch life.
Blessed be these hands that nurture creativity.
Blessed be these hands that hold pain.
Blessed be these hands that embrace with passion.
Blessed be these hands that tend gardens.
Blessed be these hands that close in anger.
Blessed be these hands that plant new seeds.
Blessed be these hands that harvest ripe fields.
Blessed be these hands that clean, wash, mop, scrub.
Blessed be these hands that become knotty with age.
Blessed be these hands that wrinkle and scar from doing justice.
Blessed are these hands that reach out and are received.
Blessed are these hands that hold the promise of the future.
Blessed be the works of our hands and hearts.