Sunday, August 14, 2011

You say you're bitter at someone

You say you're bitter at someone and you are but the real reason isn't what you're making it out to be.

Someone decided to tell you something about a person you loved because they were jealous and hard hearted. Some folks can't stand seeing other folks get  along with someone they haven't seen in a long time OR never met before. So, they make up a story - a big lie.

Because no one on this earth is without sin and because some sin more often than others, it's easy to be tricked into hating a person with an absurd story, but people believe these things, they fall for it.

Some folks never grow up AND some folks never OWN UP to what THEY'VE done in their lives so out of guilt and shame they point the finger at someone else hoping you'll never find out what THEY did - the terrible things that they did because you love them as well. So a plan is hatched and the smoke screen is set in place.

Truthfully, you're not bitter by what you were told because you KNOW this person you haven't seen in a long time or have just met for the first time a while ago AND have been acquianted on a regular basis. In your heart of hearts you can see, for yourself, what the deal is. Do you know why you're bitter?

You're bitter because deep down you don't believe this story of betrayal AND you wish you were never told this story. You wish you'd never been told this far fetched lie and now you're bitter about it but your loyalties are elsewhere and so you turn your back and walk away even after you asked to have things explained by the accused. You turn your back on the person who TRUELLY loves you. This is a tragedy of life.

Now, years later and because you cannot control your OWN BEHAVIOR and people are talking about YOU, well, you have to continue the tradition of masking the guilt, shame and remorse by putting the focus elsewhere - it's what you learned, it's what you were taught AND it's WRONG!

But because people aren't stupid and most folks don't value the nonsensical manner of treatment you accord others THEY see through you! And I'm sorry to have to tell you that the little circle of friends you do have who do the same thing, well, that's about ALL you got and that's even more sad. Worst of all is if you don't change YOUR ways you pass these less than humane traits onto YOUR children. BUT if you do change then you'll HAVE to face the TRUTH, admit the TRUTH, won't you?

AND if YOU have done something so terrible AND it's true then you did it then YOU will have a lot of explaining to do, won't you?

If a person turned you against another person and somewhere deep down you feel there's something just not right but you won't admit it, I feel sorry for you.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

To be HAPPY is to be at a place and time when no matter what is going on around me I can truly say, I am content.

To be HAPPY is to be at a place and time when no matter what is going on around me I can truly say, I am content.

When I am content I am in that place where I agree with every position and have no difference of opinion to add. I may disagree however I understand that by disagreeing that in no way means that my position is correct and yours isn't.

When I agree with the differences I am in that place where everyones' opinion matters and I will not create an atmosphere of right and wrong with debate or arguement, out loud that is.

When I don't debate or argue I am in a place of nuetrality and clear thinking. With a non-judgemental dispostion I am able to sort out what is important and meaningful and what is folly.

When I sort out what is meaningful and what is folly I can strengthen my position about those principles that have a positive affect on myself and others.

When I conclude what has a positive affect on myself and others I am in a position to move forward more accurately and with more focus. I am not self-centered but " other " conscious.

When I am not self-centered and " other " conscious I do more than just the RIGHT thing. I do the BEST thing , the LEGAL thing  and the LOVING thing.

When I do the best thing, the legal thing and the loving thing my conscious is at rest.

When my conscious is at rest I am in a place where useless arguements have no life and unreasonable conversation is dead.

To be HAPPY is to be at a place and time when no matter what is going on around me I can truly say, I am content.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Burning bridges, now that I look at it is pretty easy and I think anybody can burn bridges.

It's been a while since a movie got me to cry. The last 15 minutes of
" Bridge to Terabithia " hit my right in the ol' soft spot!

I get mystified when movie scripts are magical and mystical and Bridge to Terabithia is one such movie- it's like a book really that you get to watch.

This was one of those dvd's I just had a feeling about and found it cheap on Amazon. I think in total it cost like $5 with the shipping AND now after watching it I conclude you can't put a price on it especially  $5. It's priceless.

I was taken back to about age 11 with the swinging on the rope across a small creek scene appeared. WOW, those were the days and I've had lots of events recently happening that have propelled my memory to days past of innocence, dreams and plain old magic! Being a kid IS so much fun.

I won't tell you much more about the movie Bridge to Terabithia except that the LIFE messages ( for all of us no matter what age )  are impacting, riveting and moving.

I've talked to my friends about when they were teaching their kids to ride a bike, so far we're in agreement about a few things. We teach them to get on the bicycle, we talk them through the peddling method, to get balance and to go!

It's only after the first crash ( or two ) that we think ( or remember ) to teach them how to stop, hit the brakes!

I want to say this to you whoever you are, we talk about burning bridges behind us as we go through this maze of life. We think of it in terms that we can't ever go back and this may or may not be true.

What with all the talk about " burning " bridges, why don't we discuss " building " bridges more often?

I want to finish my life as a " builder " and not just of bridges. I don't ever want to lose, like I did for so many years, the innocence of youthful thinking and feeling. I want to dream everyday and fulfill those dreams and I want to encourage others to dream and follow their dreams.

Burning bridges, now that I look at it is pretty easy and I think anybody can burn bridges.

But to build bridges? AND to maintain the bridges already in place? Ain't no job for a slacker that's for sure.

Keeping a bridge in place requires care and concern. Let's keep it fun.

Bridge to Terabithia Wallpapers

Saturday, August 6, 2011

God won't give me more than I can handle is a "problem" not a solution.

God won't give me more than I can handle is a "problem" not a solution.

You'll forgive me if the impression you get is that I'm a " joy killer " because I am not. I am about gnosis, truth and expressing from my experiences misunderstandings, misconceptions and plain old lies. We now know the world isn't flat for instance based on images from space IF we believe these images to be real. As of this day I have no reason to doubt their validity!

I come across more Christian references than the other religions so you must understand that I'm not biased with my investigations. We also live in a country born of Christian principles.

What struck me as odd today was the often quoted phrase " God doesn't give us more than we can handle." Is this a valid statement? I've grown beyond accepting every statement that sounds " good " because when the test comes, the acid test as it were these sayings either bear themselves out to be true and powerful and helpful or it is revealed that all that glitters is not gold. Beware of statements that sound " glittery " then, having a certain  " shine " at the moment.

Before I ever considered commenting this,  I held several beliefs about my journey and yours, my destination and yours. Where we came from and how we came from there started sometime ago with our ancestor's and what they passed on to each generation. Other factors include mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and financial circumstances.

Then at a certain point in our lives we begin to chart our own course- whether it is straight or crooked it is our course. This course has been affected by what we experienced so far and will be affected by experiences to come. What we believe to be true today may be exposed tomorrow as not truth. Things change, information makes us aware and more aware and we should of course be learning from our experiences.

And then there's the crossing of paths with our fellow travellers who are journeying prepared or unprepared as we. And the weather!

So what then may I ask does God have to do with circumstances in our daily lives that have more to do with our decisions and the decisions of others and much less His " choice " to send misfortune our way? And what kind of Supreme being thinks " Hm, let me pick on John today and see if he can handle it, I've got nothing better to do and besides he's had it easy lately." I would hope that no Father or Mother would treat a child with disregard.

The other problem arises that since God doesn't give us more than we can handle, when something
" more than we can handle " does come our way - what are we thinking?

The first thing we'll think is if we've repetitiously processed  the " no more than we can handle" philosophy,  subconsciously we will believe that there is nothing for us to do really. After all, God has everything under control?  If God doesn't give you more than you can handle then how do you handle " it " may I ask realistic like?

Most folks I know who are under pressure from one side or the other will say " it's going to be o.k. God doesn't give me more than I can handle." I am boggled by the fact that my friends and acquaintances are not even considering what are the options they have at their disposal to solve this.

They do not think that perhaps they need to correct something they did or said. The focus will be more on " God and handling " than on the cause or nature of the error that will, if they are honest about it point to a wrongdoing or mistake on their part!. I'm not wrong. They will not look into themselves for the answer that will suffice for the current condition. Why? Because God will handle it. God will handle what He sent me that He knew I couldn't handle. Wouldn't you consider that messing with your mind?

Let me address this issue now, remember the time or times you were under the gun, in trouble, beyond your means and IT DIDN'T work out? What happened then? d

Did God decide to give you more than you could handle? Did God decide to turn His back on you? Did God prefer to see you suffer? You can't answer that question realistically since you believe God doesn't give you more than you can handle. The earth is round my friend, not flat. And not everything that comes OUR way is from God my brothers and sisters! In  fact most if not all things that come our way have nothing to do with God to see if we'll handle it or not. And furthermore, if WE could handle " it " all then we wouldn't need God, would we?

I believe this, if anything to be true; God has given us a mind and the ability to think rationally. With it ( the mind ) we can at times decide what to do or what not to do in certain situations. We also have friends and relatives and confidants. We've been instructed most of our lives about how to solve problems - be it 2+2 or why is my car sputtering? We have the ability to consider, process, choose, accept or reject. We are problem solvers. 

God won't give me more than I can handle is a " problem " not a solution. papajohn