Know what else I like about not having cable? Time has a whole new di-mension.
For instance, I'm not waiting for a commercial to do something OR I'm not waiting for a commercial to tell someone else, " quick, it's a commercial, go do that now."
Plus, tv doesn't play a role in my decision making.
For example, YOU (not me because I don't have cable or satellite tv) have the classic " hour" or the "half hour" syndrome. Your life runs in increments and you didn't even know it. TRUTHFULLY, for you it's always 28 minutes after the hour or 2 minutes til. Most of the time you can't conceive that there exhists other minutes on the clock or from the clock.
If you view the " box " for hours at a time AND unless you have that gismo that allows live tv to be paused you need to wait for a commercial OR at the top of the hour as well as the bottom of the hour to act or re-act. You're conditioned. Even then you only have minutes BUT you may turn the sound up LOUD so you won't miss a thing while you go to the other room. OR if you PAUSE your show with that device, subconciously you still keep YOUR PLACE from the show in your mind? Perhaps, even worst you may PUT OFF doing things because your favorite show is on OR you tell people lies about your availability?
Then, because your life runs in 1/2 hour or hour increments you unwittingly install a commercial here or there during your daily activities. Ever notice that you can't focus on a conversation for say more than 12 or 15 minutes without a break? You've programmed yourself mostly to focus for only so long, your life is like the picture reel starting and stopping? You walk away from a person not knowing really why OR after a few minutes into the conversation you lose interest. You may even tell other people "that person isn't interesting" and start a little DRAMA all by yourself!
It's true, it's true but you wouldn't know it until you did away completely with the programming ( no pun intended).
My life is so much easier without cable or satellite. I don't IGNORE people, places and things to do plus my imagination has returned! I enjoy quiet as well and I can hear myself think. AND I don't feel so uncomfortable with quiet and contentment that I THINK something MUST BE wrong and I no longer
accuse those around me who are ENJOYING quiet with " you're too quiet, somethings wrong!"
Most of all I don't feel RUSHED or PRESSURED if I need to do something outside the home- I just do it because I'm not thinking about what's on tv or how I MUST get back for my favorite show.
Time is free- why waste it, why pay to waste it?