Monday, November 21, 2011

~ what's the matter ~

We experience these things, the miracles and recognize them from our prayers, our yearnings or our wishes. We're much more connected to the " unseen " than we know or realize and we're happy.
We experience these things, the losses and don't immediatly have a response, some incidents are a shock, some semi-predictable. We get confused, angry and inquisative;   " someone, somewhere knows something! "   We stare.
Reality is a mystery ultimately. You might say we have a role in our day to day reality and that's a fact. The consequences of OUR actions from not only this day but from the days, weeks and months prior are still effective and do bear fruit. It's a controllable method for the most part I mean we could make a decision to do something or go somewhere and have a goal in mind such as eating at a diner, go shop at the mall or just meet our friends at a park. Predictable activity almost with certainty. There are variables however that YOU can think of pertaining to what I've just suggested but they wouldn't be that far off the radar. If someone is going to participate in these actions they too will share a similar view or opinion about what will take place along the way or THE outcome. Again as I said there are variables.
I'm reading a book again called The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson. My studies over the years did and still do include Jesus' philosophy, methods, devotion and ideas. I mention this because it ( the material in the book ) has me thinking about " enlarging my territory and receiving requested abundance after prayer " in the past, in some cases a couple of decades ago. Did my thinking and views change that much?
My friend Collin and I discuss how our Grandmothers were significant in giving us hope during what seemed desperate times as children. We discuss how on occassions when perhaps it was supposed to rain for instance and the sun unexpectedly appeared for the day, we received a typical note of assurance from the Matriarch's that God did that just for you!
AND we believed that, even more than believing that we felt it AND we knew this was a special occasion like so many others. I now call them
" remarkable occurences " and these phenomena are tethered to coincident. AND we relate ourselves to " child like " faith.
I've come to surrender to the truth that much of our reality isn't like "physically"  OUT THERE, happening. From that process of surrender I've actually found release from the prison of insidious accusations and assumptions.
Through my surrender I may " detain " myself briefly ( pause, meditate and examinate ) then maybe quickly maybe not so quick I come to a sense of  what is really going on and the fact of the MATTER is a lot of what I presume is TRUTHFULLY happening or unfolding all around me isn't TRUTHFUL at all. AND speaking of " matter " that is usually where the culprit of assumption, insidious self-accusations and foregone conclusions are hatched - in the brain, matter!
So, decisions I make DO result in SOMETHING physically happening and with variables and being aware that when something is happening something else is also happening at the same time. Then we include the matter of MATTER influx and what seemed to be a simple procedure of explaining how things happen, what is reality, what's going on - a course of events becomes slightly askew and maybe even complex and frustrating. It matters though that it doesn't matter all the time.
Let's not forget the actions of others affecting the action of others.
AND then there's GOD if one chooses to believe in a deity. What does He or She allow? What does He or She deflect? What is He or She thinking? How " little " or how " big " does God intervene? Does God leave a calling card? Or do we see, upon close scrutiny God's FINGERPRINTS at the scene?
We are very capable beings that may orchestrate events that are explainable and possible.
Then to others our description of events are " fuzzy " and the details sketchy but to us, who for whatever divine reason or previous social and hopeful mentoring we have no doubt that NO explaination could explain the unexplainable.
We mean this for times when we receive unexpectedly and ALSO for those unexpected, maybe predictable times of loss, both of which are opportunities.
What's the matter?
If WE are able to disconnect emotions and feelings from that question " what's the matter ? " when we're jolted either way ( positively or negatively ) we WILL sieze more often than not opportunities to find within OURSELVES the answers that we seek.

papajohn 11/21/2011

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