Monday, December 12, 2011

Order and disorder birth meaning and purpose.

I believe it's not so much about having a purpose in life when we put that into the context of " we have a purpose here on earth." I understand today there is an order of things like the NATURAL order of things. There are also laws like the laws of nature, of physics. Within the order of things there is disorder.

Disorder is to order what order is to disorder - there's a cycle as my friend Collin would say. One results from the other and so on. Out of disorder ( or chaos as we've heard tell ) comes order. From order there is disorder. The variables seem to be endless at times when we think deeply of it all!

I'm more interested at a starting point. I'm more focused on meaning as in " the search for the meaning of life." And still we encounter the endless variables of 
" what is the meaning of life because we have our opinions and our experiences."

I believe when we discover the meaning of life, as we understand it today that is, that is when the purpose of life begins to reveal herself. We birth it and a purpose is born!

This is the formula as I see it then, the meaning of life may be to discover our purpose in life! And my meaning may not be the same as yours, AND my purpose may not be the same as yours too. The point I think is to think about it and paradoxically at the end of the day we encounter each other searching for the same thing. And when we meet we discover that " laws " that hold us together, that keep order in the order of things apply to us all AND then we move forward with a common goal.

papajohn ~ shaman ~

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