Monday, February 21, 2011

why things don't get done

I think back upon my life and come to several conclusions; some things never change, some things change for the better AND some things get worse.

On many occassions I say to myself "you react differently to the world now because you're older and out of your experiences" AND that may be true.

I wonder, however why does something like reasoning change? Does common sense fall prey to a type of social evolution? Is every "fact" open to interpetation?

I don't want much TV these days. I have the basic 2 thru 23 channels because I prefer channels with documentaries, some NFL and some Nascar and even then I may sit in front of the BOX only a few hours a week.

Because I no longer vegitate before the square device of entertainment, mis-information and drama I am beside myself how folks spend hour after hour just sitting there and gazing?

Growing up in the sixties, when I walked around town, the only people glued to the tube were the Dad's watching sports games. Mom's were helping with homework or baking or gardening or up the street talking to the neighbors. Most kids were out playing hide and seek, basketball, baseball, football, riding a bike and so on.

This makes me wonder why maybe YOU say "oh the good old days" and then sigh .  .  .  .  . and then turn on the television?

From my experience, television today is an addiction and like most addictions, those addicted are in denial. I know I was, I used to think "oh, there's really nothing else to do so I'll watch some (" some " is a code word for many hours of tv watching truthfully) TV." But it wasn't always like that.

Television is a CLEVER device and you may youtube all the videos you want to find out about TV Mind Control. It's not a lie.

Maybe when the psychiatrists came up with that syndrome ( not sure what exactly it's called) that people get from the winter conditions (and if you can name it you got it) folks turned to television for relief.

Question; "when did going out and doing something in the cold weather become a bad thing?"

Which brings me to my next point, why can't I get help to fix things around my house especially in the winter months?

Why does it seem people don't have as much time for you or me when it's winter?

My guess at an answer to this is, after work there's only so much time between supper and the favorite TV shows? AND don't expect help when your friend is off for the weekend because he or she needs to get caught up on all the things they avoided during the week!

Also, if you are not a "televisionalist" and can't hold a conversation about this show or that program then you're just not plain fun to be around- BORING!

I recently went back to watching about an hour of news in the morning and some retro comedy shows at night- STOP!

That ended rather quickly but not quick enough. And it isn't the programs themselves that are mind and mood altering- it's those damn commercials.
You may google " tv commercials subliminal messaging."

There's no doubt now that my actions and re-actions were affected by just a couple weeks of minimal television viewing.

Activities that slowed down or stopped-

1. long walks with and FOR my dog. (as a heart attack survivor not walking is detrimental)

2. spiritual exercises.(spirituality keeps me grounded, thoughtful and kind to others)

3. calling on my friends. (no explaination needed)

4. not taking my vitamins and supplements.( I am affected by arthritis, COPD, reflux and high tryglicerides)

To name a few, BUT, most disturbing is that now since I'm getting back into my routine, I realize how LETHARGIC I became. What is scary is that it didn't take very much TV watching to become lethargic! AND scarier yet is the fact I wasn't aware I was lethargic at the time.

Right now I'm making chicken soup from scratch- chicken, onions, some broth, potatoes and carrots.

My friend Collin who is like a personal trainer for me commented yesterday how "happy" I was when I was active not but a few short weeks ago.

My spiritual advisor, B-man suggested that I get back on track with any med's I stopped taking, because I did stop. (I rely more on natural remedies anyway but the truth was I stopped taking everything).

I also turned off that noise box and I don't miss it!

Activities that started again or are back on track;

1. walking the dog.

2. spiritual exercises.

3. taking my vitamins and minerals.

4. taking necessary med's.

5. more time thinking about what else I could be doing besides sitting on my butt in the house!

6. house cleaning.

7. starting new projects.

8. preparing for spring and the beginning of camping season.

9. making contacts to get that URAL motorcycle with sidecar.

10. having a new attitude toward people.

To name a few. (oh, I also got some things done for friends that I promised I was going to do before I got sidetracked by television)

Most of all I am so grateful I can think again- for myself.

Peace, Love and Respect- tat2guru.


  1. S.A.D. seasonal affective disorder
    I forgot what playing in the cold was like until I stopped drinking and started to take my kids sledding. Then, my friend Wayne introduced me to running 9which is much better to do at 10 degrees vs. 90 anyway.

    when I was a kid, we'd be outside all day on a day when the weather was too bad to let us go to school.

  2. That's sad you know what S.A.D. is! LOL Just kiddin'
