Wednesday, July 20, 2011

excuse making - does it come natural or is it learned?

I was speaking with a disciple the other day about spiritual exercizing. We talked about the phrase often heard in 12 step recovery circles, " the program is a simple program for complicated people." Now I don't agree with that ( I know, you're not shocked LOL) because from my own personal exprience, from experience being an observer and by meditating about those things I heard and saw while observing I may conclude accurately that the 12 step program is " a simple program for LAZY people."

We live in an age, if you're connected overly with society and its current consciousness where folks almost always make an excuse for their behavior and/or look for an easier, softer way out of a situation even if that means being disloyal to the rest of the human race. We don't value values.

Study history and you'll notice that up to around 250 a.d. people sought wisdom and guidance from the wise ( sages, mystics, prophets) and from spiritual leaders. Not long after a.d. it was people and politics that co-erced, blackmailed, shang hai'd ,  manipulated and threatened the populations! What did we receive from that? Bribery!

We as people have been bribed - to do things we don't want to do , are bribed - into receiving gifts and rewards, do bribe - others as we force them to do things they know are wrong but if we're honest about it we bribe our damn selves.

This emotional black op's of hijacking others and ourselves can go on for years and decades unnoticed to the " untrained " eye. There are symptoms of this disease which strongly influences our desire to control others. Funny part of it, well, not so funny is the manipulation is so poisonous that our minds begin to manipulate themselves- hence the self-bribery. We have turned on others and the result is we turn on ourselves at some point.

The tell tale symptom that we've departed from realistic thinking about what to do and what not to do is dis-satisfaction. We become dis-satisfied and most solutions that normally would appeal to the mature man or woman seem foreign. Those steps we would need to take look to be well, way out of our way. And this is the second symptom, we don't feel we should " go out of our way" any more, at least not like we used to. If IT can't happen quickly for us- we dismiss it!

If something can't be solved in the proverbial micro-wave minute, we don't have the time for it. I'm NOT talking about someone talking NON SENSE. You don't have to have time for that but be available for as much as you can however, we can all learn something from each other.

What I'm talking about is that folks don't sit down anymore and have discussions. As soon as you approach another because of a disagreement or hurt feelings they tend to go on the defensive and what COULD have been a constructive conversation becomes a de- structive confrontation!

It's easier to " fly off " the handle rather than be patient and understandable. It's easier to ignore another person than it is to take time with them. It's easier to give up or give in or make excuses. The problem becomes the focus not the solution.

We've become lazy. It's much easier for some folks to act stupid, to be hateful, to make excuses and to blame someone else. 

We've become lazy about doing the right thing. Lazy about doing the best thing. Lazy about doing the legal thing. And we've become lazy about doing the LOVING thing!


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