Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Not all trees that bend break.

I want to write my OWN story. I'm referring to what it is I would like to do and where it is I'd like to go- in life.

Now, if you're attitude toward me is that I'm off my rocker, a kook , then let me be the first to inform you that you're unaware and maybe even untaught where life matters are concerned.

You may feel I'm being egotistical but the fact is, if you're ignorant about people's dreams and goals then it is you who is egotistical while I become realisitic. You who are jealous while I become ambitous. You who shake your head while I hold mine up high!

I would hope that you support people in their dreams and goals and not co-erce, blackmail or manipulate them into following the path you did in life.

You see, if it comes down to co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation then one would be most certain to conclude that something is DEFINITELY wrong with your state. If it comes down to co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation on your part then one can only conclude the course you've taken has been regrettable for you.

Understand that where there are attempts to control another human being, like under the circumstances I suggested above, where someone is charting out a life path and you're not happy about what you see maybe it has nothing to do with the other person's happiness and more about your unhappiness.

Maybe co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation are tools you use to " bring down " another person. Maybe co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation are a style you use so that another will not succeed. Maybe co-ercion, blackmail and manipulation is what was used on you at one point?

Things aren't always " exactly " this way or that way.

The sun rises, goes across the sky and then each evening it sets. Rain comes quickly, lightly or heavily and then it stops. The wind blows or it breezes and then the wind calms down. Life is like that, changing, twisting and turning, on - off.

Not all trees that bend break.

A tree that isn't broken makes great shade and would you change the shape and circumference of a tree to give you shade at a certain point during the day as the sun moves overhead? No, you move under the tree and trust that where you move next there will be shade.

Trust IN others then.

Move WITH them.

Enjoy the way they ARE.

A tree supports itself, no? When you are enjoying the shade of the tree do you constantly remind the tree to do this or that to suit you? Under its shade do you not rest and relax as life around you continues?

Not all trees that bend break.

Not all humans that TRY fail.


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