Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why to we become so destructive that way as we get older?

When I was a kid growing up I listened to different music artists, groups. My eight track collection included Creedence Clearwater revival, Led Zeppelin, Cheech and Chong and Neil Diamond and comedy tracks like Bill Cosby.

My friends, say at cage 12, 13 and 14 shared the same taste in music and if they didn't it was no big deal. As I grew older I became ware that what I mlistened to ( among other things) rally made an impression on people around me. Matter of fact, there were bands I wouldn't listen to because it was taboo in certain circles. I also stopped listening to certain artists lest I became an outcast - a " cream puff" .


Why to we become so  destructive that way as we get older? Why so abnoxious? Why so cruel?  Worst of all now, we spread these poisonous principles to our children!


Why do we destroy precious, loving, non-judgemental minds?

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