Friday, April 1, 2011

The measure of a man.

Humanly speaking, we harm people every day - intentionally and unintentionally. We commit sins of omission and comission. We harm others mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. Some of these harms are done in the name of love while others, well, in the name of God and country. Harms breed delusions. Delusions INFECT the one doing the harm. Often times the one doing the harm is sick and doesn't realize it.

There are TOOLS in place for men and women to measure their daily human relations activities. These tools may be the result of one's personal religion, spiritual path or code of conduct. None the less, much of what we do and say is common sense stuff which, these days isn't so common.

So what is the measure of a man when it comes to hurts and harms?

As a youth we may find ourselves in precarious positions as a result of our zeal. In most cases under these conditions our parents are made aware of what is going on and they (should) provide proper instruction.

As we get older we tend to make mistakes, especially "on the job" miscalculations which, when truthfully interpeted are just that- mistakes. We should learn from them. AND we will be HONEST, by the way, about our mistakes IF we were HANDLED properly by our parents when we were growing up.

There's a point in life when we are "on the journey" for real. Learning new lessons doesn't cease and making new mistakes as we go along doesn't retire either. That's part of the journey.What we do with all this is the center of what makes a man (or woman).

Personally, I don't like being MESSED with - had enough of that growing up and there's no reason to get into the details. HOWEVER, for most of us, no matter how bad our childhood may have been, for most of us there comes a time when we MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR ACTIONS. Our actions today. Or "man up" as the saying goes in 2011.

I find especially since 9-11 that there is more excuse making than responsibility taking. What one has to do with the other is a personal meditation and self-examination process. I can't say that WE ( as a country) had something to do with 9-11 so I will say this; my spiritual teacher taught me to look at BOTH sides when encountering a dilemma, a misunderstanding, a fued.

AND then again there are situations when only one side is responsible for hurts and harms. This conclusion isn't always "cut and dried" but the result of close scrutiny, examination and HONEST appraisal.

The truth is as well that WE don't always feel a need to ADMIT hurting or harming another person or persons. If you can live with that then I guess it's fine  ( for you). On the other hand, most of us do UNDERSTAND karma and personally I go to great lengths in my daily walk to clean my karma side of the street. Energy coming to me and going from me is realistic.

I'm going to mention men and women who have no clue that their behavior is harmful because some folks are born with (birth) defects. Then there are those who have developed serious emotional and mental problems who can't seem to help what they do. Could they be healed? I'm not a doctor. Should they be punished? I'm not a judge. Should we love them?

In most cases speaking truthfully and from experience there is nothing secret about people who continue to hurt or harm others - it's usually out in the open. In most cases it's no secret what is behind the hurts or the harms as well. But what can we do about it?

I was thinking about ALL the TOOLS of instruction, better learning and self-improvement that are available to us these days. Vidoes, cd's and live lectures. For the most part, we can't deny that there is a thread of "civility" running through most social networks AND most people have no truck with mending broken relationships. ( I don't advise anyone to ATTEMPT to mend a destructive relationship.)

I respect men and women who STEP UP TO THE PLATE and take responsiblity for their actions. Now, before you conclude that I look at the world through glasses that scrutinize the wrong doing of others let me say that I also respect men and women who DO GOOD to and for others AND don't require their picture in the paper or a parade down mainstreet.

But we're quick to blame and place blame upon others in these times, April 1, 2011. We're quick to "pass" the proverbial buck in these times. We're quick to FORGET the PRINCIPLE behind the GOOD SAMARITAN story no matter what language it's spoken in, AND every faith and spiritual path HAS a Good Samaritan story. ( Of course one must be cautious in our times about helping another because of lawsuits and litigations.) OY

What about PEACE OF MIND? Do you have it?

At the end of the day can you say "job well done" or "well done thou good and faithful servant" instead of mission accomplished?

Do you wake up mostly calm minded and prepare to meet the day to give and not take? To speak for and not about? To help and not to harm? Or are you burdened by yesterdays calamity and still figuring out, fine tuning YOUR SIDE OF THE STORY?

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.  ~William Shakespeare

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